I love that you mentioned it. It would more-than-likely be in my list if it already released. By far my most anticipated game on PS3 since I'm a huge vanillaware and sidescroller/beat-em-up fan.PS3
Dragons Crown
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Wow haven't seen many talk about klonoa 2 that game was underated2long
PC: quake live,tribes ascend
PS2: Klonoa2, nights into dreams remake
Genesis: sonic 1-3 and knuckles, rocket knight adventures, streets o rage 2-3
snes: sparkster
PS1 : klonoa 1
Dreamcast: Sanic adventure 1
Saturn: Nights into dreams
n64: nothink, they all aged like poop
GBA: Klonoa 1 & 2
did the guy above me srsly put games like "Binding of isaac" ahahaha
my list is the only gud 1
i listed only gud systems, 360 and ps3 have no gud gaimz cause then u can just play those multiplats on pc
[QUOTE="loosingENDS"]I love that you mentioned it. It would more-than-likely be in my list if it already released. By far my most anticipated game on PS3 since I'm a huge vanillaware and sidescroller/beat-em-up fan.PS3
Dragons Crown
I love the art, i would rather it was less action and more RPG like Odin Sphere myself, but will get it for the art day one for sure and is going to be a great game anyway
Next year will be the first good PS3 year after 2009 and Demons Souls, i have not bought any PS3 exclusives since, but in 2013 i plan to get at least 5
I love that you mentioned it. It would more-than-likely be in my list if it already released. By far my most anticipated game on PS3 since I'm a huge vanillaware and sidescroller/beat-em-up fan.[QUOTE="Some-Mist"][QUOTE="loosingENDS"]
Dragons Crown
I love the art, i would rather it was less action and more RPG like Odin Sphere myself, but will get it for the art day one for sure and is going to be a great game anyway
Next year will be the first good PS3 year after 2009 and Demons Souls, i have not bought any PS3 exclusives since, but in 2013 i plan to get at least 5
I think I agree with your entire post for the first time, ever. I've bought very few PS3 exclusives since Demon's Souls and none of them have blown me away.[QUOTE="loosingENDS"][QUOTE="Some-Mist"]I love that you mentioned it. It would more-than-likely be in my list if it already released. By far my most anticipated game on PS3 since I'm a huge vanillaware and sidescroller/beat-em-up fan.Some-Mist
I love the art, i would rather it was less action and more RPG like Odin Sphere myself, but will get it for the art day one for sure and is going to be a great game anyway
Next year will be the first good PS3 year after 2009 and Demons Souls, i have not bought any PS3 exclusives since, but in 2013 i plan to get at least 5
I think I agree with your entire post for the first time, ever. I've bought very few PS3 exclusives since Demon's Souls and none that I was blown away by.Glad we agree, obviously you are a true PS3 player and not some extreme PS brand fan that goes crazy if people dont like one PS3 game :)
2013 will be amazing for PS3, i think we can agree on that too
Ni no kuni is one of the most major games this generation for me and the limited edition seems out of this world
3DS and Bravely Default is my most major coming game though, more than anything else, becuase is like FF9 that i still have not got over after all these years
[QUOTE="loosingENDS"][QUOTE="Some-Mist"]I love that you mentioned it. It would more-than-likely be in my list if it already released. By far my most anticipated game on PS3 since I'm a huge vanillaware and sidescroller/beat-em-up fan.Some-Mist
I love the art, i would rather it was less action and more RPG like Odin Sphere myself, but will get it for the art day one for sure and is going to be a great game anyway
Next year will be the first good PS3 year after 2009 and Demons Souls, i have not bought any PS3 exclusives since, but in 2013 i plan to get at least 5
I think I agree with your entire post for the first time, ever. I've bought very few PS3 exclusives since Demon's Souls and none of them have blown me away.Who wouldn't agree with this:
Demon's Souls
Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice
Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten
God of War 3
Gran Turismo 5
Heavenly Sword
Heavy Rain
Ico and Shadow of the Colossus Collection
Infamous 2
Killzone 2
Killzone 3
LittleBigPlanet 2
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Resistance: Fall of Man
Resistance 2
Resistance 3
The Sly Collection
Twisted Metal
Valkyria Chronicles
Mario Kart Wii
Disney Epic Mickey
Donkey Kong Country Returns
Kirby's Epic Yarn
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Little King's Story
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Monster Hunter Tri
Muramasa: The Demon Blade
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Pikmin 2
Resident Evil 4
Sin and Punishment: The Star Successor
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Super Paper Mario
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Xenoblade Chronicles
Zack and Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure
The Last Story
Tatsunoko vs Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars
Mario Kart 7
Super Mario 3D Land
Resident Evil Revelations
LOZ Ocarina of Time
Mario Galaxy 1 and 2
LOZ Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword
RE4 Wii Edition
Mario Kart Wii
Sonic Colors
Zack and Wiki
New Super Mario Bros Wii
DKC Returns
Tatsunoko vs Capcom
Uncharted 1,2 and 3
Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction and A Crack in Time
Ico Collection
MGS Collection
GOW Collection
Jak Collection
InFamous 1 and 2
Heavy Rain
LittleBigPlanet 1 and 2
Tomb Raider Collection
I don't own a 360 so I don't know any worth having.
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