For Sony, it's:
They make nothing but linear experiences.
This is not only idiotic, but it's not even true. The Infamous series is the obvious example destroying that argument, but what really needs to be said is that there is absolutely nothing wrong with linear experiences. Linear experiences benefit from momentum and focus (tho there is a such thing as too linear). The people that think open world=good and linear=bad are stoopid.
For Microsoft, it's:
Microsoft is evil because they charge for online.
Xbox Live is a service. Microsoft has a right to charge for a service they provide. Deal with it.
For Nintendo, it's:
Nintendo makes games for kids. This is stupid because Mario and Zelda have plenty of adult fans and their core gameplay is no more kiddy than anything else. Then you have games like Metroid, which is obviously not kiddy; Sin and Punishment, Fire Emblem, etc. Even games that look kind of kind friendly are not neccesarily kid friendly, i.e. Pikmin. Anybody who actually uses this criticism has a total of two functioning braincells.
What are the stupidest criticism IYO?
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