Nancy Drew dominates pc gaming charts in July

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#51 shadow_hosi
Member since 2006 • 9543 Posts

You do know the NDP dosent count DD right? it dosent count Steam D2D or any of that stuff

sorry but you fail

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#52 trix5817
Member since 2004 • 12252 Posts

Yet the PC still has the most AAAE's and more AAE's than all consoles combined this generation.......and you say PC gaming is pathetic?:lol:

And your switching to PC gaming because an Adventure game is selling a top seller? You base witch system you buy and what games you buy on what is selling the most. PC gaming isn't what's pathetic's you.

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#53 trix5817
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why does the PC still has more AAAE and AAE then.

and yeah sales =/= quality


Maybe because you're including the entire backlog of pc games which is rather disingenuous?

Big budget pc exclusives are on their way out. Gaming execs look at a list like that and ask why they should invest 10 million in a stalker type game when a low-budget game like Nancy Drew could return a greater profit. That is the problem.

Most of the pc exclusives that are coming out this year don't even require a high end gaming pc. I don't see why everyone is in denial of how bad things have gotten for pc gaming this generation.

I'm supposed to get excited over Diablo 3? I can play that on my laptop. The consoles have a better fall lineup.

No...we aren't actually. It's since the launch of the 360....look at the sticky in SW please.

So first it's....TeH PC GAMERZ ARE tEh GRAPHIX WHORES!!!



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#54 Doctor-Salvador
Member since 2008 • 681 Posts
This... isn't right...
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#55 juno84
Member since 2004 • 1019 Posts

Lol, they release these games too fast. I haven't even finished the last Nancy Drew game.XenoNinja

Thank you. :D

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#56 trix5817
Member since 2004 • 12252 Posts

lol wut ?

im including those games which came out after the 360 was launched

and why does it matter if a game does have high requirements. most ppl play games on thier laptops .

ive seen many ppl with a laptop as their primary system.

and i personally dont care for graphx , video carsd , AA/AF blah blah blah. I have to play most games on low including crysis

PC most AAAE & AAE


Well at least you provided a link so I know what you are talking about.

Anyways you provided me a link of high scoring pc games which includes sports managers and casual adventure games as a response to my opinion of pc gaming. Great.

So what.

Listing a bunch of pc games and their respective gamespot scores doesn't negate the fact that nothing could touch Nancy Drew in July. It also doesn't change my opinion that pc gaming is going casual and people that want games like stalker are getting ignored. It makes more financial sense for EA to fund a Sims doggie sweater expansion pack than an rpg that makes use of high-end pc hardware. That's the harsh reality that is pc gaming today.

If that's the case...then why haven't all developers switched over to the Wii?

And flash games.......what? Flash games don't get reviewed buddy.....

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#57 death919
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And Wii's top selling game is WiiWare and WiiFit, doesn't mean there aren't other great games as well.

Anyone here saying there are no good PC games, go to ebay and order the following since I know you haven't played all of these:
Baldur's Gate + expansion
Baldur's Gate 2 + expansion (you can get these 2 and the above 2 in 1 package for about $40 :))
Fallout 2
Planescape: Torment
Icewind Dale
Diablo 2 + expansion
Warcraft 3 + expansion

Then by the time you beat them all, there'll be alot more PC games out like:
Dawn of War 2
Diablo 3
Starcraft 2
Dragon Age: Origins
Fallout 3
Mass Effect 2

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#58 trix5817
Member since 2004 • 12252 Posts

and why the hell are u comparing the PC over NPD sales.

isnt NPD american retail sales ?

hmmm i thought america wasnt the center of the universe :S


So what are you saying? That a game outsold Nancy Drew on the international market? Which one would that be?

What should gaming executives take from this then? That only the U.S. pc gaming market is dominated by casual crap? What an appealing platform the pc has become. Oh and forget the UK market too since it is like the US. There goes most of your market.

So there are millions of Europeans out there ready to buy your high-end pc game? Hopefully those execs don't know that piracy rates are even higher in Europe.

Look at the new battlefield game we pc gamers are getting. A cartoony one that can be played on any pc. Great.

What PC games came out in July? Pretty much what's your point here?

The European market for PC games and hardware is HUGE. Look it up.

DICE stated that they are working on five Battlefield games, and hinted at BF3. They told hardcore BF fans not to worry, becayse BF Heroes (which is FREE) is not their new major Battlefield game. If you think that DICE is going to not make BF3, a franchise which has sold millions upon millions upon millions, then there's something wrong with you're brain.

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#59 Vandalvideo
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Way to knock the game without even being it. This is such a sad approach from console gamers. Nancy Drew has released a number of good adventure games on the PC. PC gamers have been yearning for adventure games for a long time. When one comes out, they buy it up. Its as simple as that. It has nothing to do with the demographic. Besides, just a few months ago Sins was on the top for a few months straight and was one of the best selling PC games.
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#60 devious742
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What's the big deal, casual & mainstream games have always sold more than hardcore games on the PC. It's common sense. There are a lot of casual games on the PC, because almost everyone has at least one PC in their house. Hell, my grandma has a PC.

Bu.. bu... but teh PC gaming is dying! :roll:


The problem is that single-player, high-end mature games have been slowly moving from pcs to consoles.

High-end pc games are no longer a lucrative market. The money is in multi-plats, with consoles being the baseline platform. PCs will always have better graphics but the differences will be minimal as more games are built multiplatform.

yeah just like: Sins of a Solar Empire, World in Conflict, Crysis, The Witcher, Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky, World of Warcraft, Company of Heroes, Starcraft II, Diablo 3,etc

This combined with the fact that some games are going console only (force unleashed) means that pc gaming has lost its edge.

yeah pc gaming lost its edge because games like:Sins of a Solar Empire, World in Conflict, Crysis, The Witcher, Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky, World of Warcraft, Company of Heroes, Starcraft II, Diablo 3,etc will be console only:roll:

High-end pc gaming is doomed to delayed hand-me-down ports;

Mass Effect PC review

"The changes that have been implemented don't radically alter the game in any way, but they have enough of a positive impact to make it easy to recommend the PC version over the 360 version. On top of that, BioWare is offering the downloadable expansion "Bring Down the Sky" free to PC players, though at the time of this review that content was not yet available. Whether you're a seasoned Spectre looking to suit up again, or a newcomer who has never set foot on the Normandy, the refined PC version is your best choice for experiencing this excellent game. By Chris Watters, GameSpot Posted May 30, 2008 6:16 pm PT"

Devil May Cry 4 review

"On consoles, Devil May Cry 4 is beautiful; on the PC, it positively dazzles. The game includes DirectX 9 and DirectX 10 modes, and both look spectacular and run beautifully. Both Nero and Dante are fluid in motion, and they showcase a good deal of flair and subtlety in their movements. The more damage a move does, the more astonishing it looks onscreen, and few games can approach the pure razzle-dazzle of Nero jumping into the air, his cape flying and the glowing devil bringer tossing lumbering demons around with matchless grace. From an environmental design standpoint, the visuals can be gorgeous to behold, and moments like your first glimpse of Gran Album Bridge are bound to take your breath away."

Gears Of War pc review

The PC version of Gears of War is everything the 360 version was and more.

Of course, the rest of Gears of War is completely intact here, as well. And the complete package, done better than it was on the Xbox 360,

The graphics in Gears of War have never looked better than they do in the PC version, though that, of course, depends on your machine. If you can exceed the game's system requirements, the game looks pretty amazing at higher resolutions and delivers a good, smooth frame rate. It certainly looks much better and sharper than the Xbox 360 version of the game, and it does so without looking like the typical console-to-PC translation. The game also comes with a fully featured level editor, another thing you don't typically see in console-to-PC translations. Though some players may still prefer to play it with a gamepad, this feels like a PC game, top to bottom.

yeah hand me downs :roll:

and casual friendly junk like sims/wow/drew. It still has some benefits like free online and mouse/keyboard support but the overall landscape has gone from bad to worse.

yes cause this is all we pc gamers play

I'm not leaving because of Nancy Drew specifically; her domination of the charts is more of an example of all that is wrong with pc gaming.

The Boston Globe piece also points out another source of income for the PCgaming industry, cubicle escapism:

Then there are the easy-to-play "casual games" like Scrabble or Bejeweled. Distributed on the Internet, such games turn up on the computers of bored office workers around the world. Casualgaming on personal computers generated $1.7 billion in revenue last year, up 20 percent from 2006, according to the CasualGames Association. Despite the games' simplicity, players find them irresistible, with many playing for seven or more hours per week

PopCap agrees adult women make up a large percentage of the casualgaming audience: Of the 7 million unique visitors to the PopCap Web site each month, 58 percent are female and 75 percent are over the age of 35

the pc gaming casual market is comparable to the wii and DS...why hate on the pc?? not all ppl are into FPS

I'm just sick of mega-hardware pc gaming


. I don't think it is worth the effort anymore.


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#61 devious742
Member since 2003 • 3924 Posts

You do know the NDP dosent count DD right? it dosent count Steam D2D or any of that stuff

sorry but you fail


If, by NPD's own data, the PC is selling games at retail as well as your "typical" console system, why spell out the doom and gloom message? Is every console that doesn't sit in the top 2 or 3 spots for software sales "doomed" and "failing?" Is it only worthwhile to make games for the Nintendo DS, Xbox 360, and PS2, because that's where all the game sales are? Of course not, and the same is true for the PC.

But there's even more to it than that. First of all, NPD only tracks retail sales, and only in the U.S.. Yes, the U.S. has the strongest retail games market, but PC games are very popular worldwide. Especially in Europe, and Germany in particular, PC game sales top sales charts. Most importantly, the PC is well ahead of consoles in online game sales-which NPD does not track. Whether it's GameTap, Steam, Direct2Drive,, or even the direct download store at the EBgames site, buying games exclusively online is huge on PCs. And that doesn't even include things like recurring payments or digital item sales for online games like World of Warcraft.