D-Day for the launch of Uncharted 2 is rapidly descending upon us, with PS3 owners worldwide able to get their paws on Naughty Dog's new game in just under a week. Following the release of the multiplayer demo and the first reviews of game, the hype level has hit a feverish pitch. Will all this pre-release excitement convert into sales though? Naughty Dog certainly is banking on it, hoping the game manages to outsell the first game and do more than 2.5 million copies worldwide.
"We'd love to grow the franchise - that's the bottom line. No matter what you do it's always very difficult to grow from one game to another. And that's what our milestone is." said Naughty Dog Community Manager Arne Meyer during a recent interview. "If we can do better than we did with the previous game then we're set."
So what was that bar set by the first title? Naughty Dog revealed that Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, released in November 2007, did an impressive 2.5 million copies worldwide. Multiplayer designer Justin Richmond added "And then for this game hopefully it'll be higher."
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