Classic moo-moo responses. I mean really, straight from the book. Must still be waiting for that update and install. Hell it's only been 30 minutes, give it a bit. But here is a fact for the clowns in the thread. Halo 4 will outsell all PS3 exclusives combined in 2012. Every PS3 exclusive COMBINED.
Let's hear the responses to that. You know what, I will save everyone the trouble.
"That's because there is nothing to play on the 360" - yet there are more games on the 360 then the PS3. Known fact cows ignore constantly.
"all PS3 exclusives > Halo 4" - yet all the sales combined will be less. Either PS3 gamers don't buy games or these games suck. You pick.
"It'z not the graphiczxzz k1ng!!1!!!" - niether is any console game. get a PC if you want graphics.
"Have fun with K1nextc!! OMG!1111" - One of my personal favorites. First you complain it's all casual games for the Kinect then you make fun of a "core" game with support. The truth of the matter is, the Move failed miserably and you are mad you bought it. Actually, who I am kidding. Cows don't buy anything, they just talk about it.
That should sum up the typical moron responses from the mutant pool.
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