hmmm...lets listen to Sp0rsk (for everyone who doesnt know this guy bashed WiiMusic to death)
I got Wii Music Yesterday, it's really fun.(omg what????!!!! no wai!! cant be)
"For those wondering how I got it, I was vowed to secrecy by the store owner. I just happened to be out around town with my friend (Srider on gaf) and some store was selling it a whopping 4 days before the release.
"The game is awesome, no, really I'm serious. Forget what you know about music games."
"I've played music games hardcore since their debut. Huge into the DDR seen back in 99-2002, Beatmania IIDX Pop 'N, all that. This game has nothing to do with them.
Also, I think this game is mostly possible because it is midi.
Improvisations sound better when you are good at them, that was my first time playing F-zero.
When you start playing it's pretty hard to wipe the smile off your face.
No Nintendo didn't hack my account, I hated on this game pretty hard up until actually playing it,am now eating crow."
in GAF
!!!Can it be that most hated game by the hardcore is actually being enjoyed by a hardcore hater???!?!?!?! :o
I swear that if this game turns out to be good the crow eating fest will be EPIC. And i admit i'l be there eating a little bit of crow too.
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