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What is Microsoft thinking? I'm highly disappointed, as an investor AND gamer. First off, I don't need something too high specced to play Halo and Call of Duty for the entire generation. Most importantly, having this high specced console is going to kill their profit margins.CallOfDutyRulez
Lol. How come everything you say is just... awful?
If true, it would be nothing but a marketing gimmick. Consumers are generally clueless of technology and go by whatever numbers are the highest. And for all we know, 8GB of DDR5 could be overkill as well. The rumor before the PS4 was officially announced was that it would have 8GB of DDR5 instead of 4GB because the 720 was rumored to have more than 4GB of DDR3. Since dumb consumers go by numbers, 4GB of DDR5 would seem inferior even though its better. Its really no different than unrealistic specs on our HDTV's and headphone companies boasting about 5Hz - 30000Hz frequency responses even though the human ear can't hear anything close to those fail thread. Why in the world you do with need 12GB of ram? does next box console use up that much ram for pizza hut apps? lololol I dont see games on PS4 using over 6GB of ram. as for the two GPU's... why would you have 2 weaker GPUS's split? when its just better to have 1 stronger GPU.
Anyway... them specs are just dumb, and if true then expect it to cost more than PS4 since it has to come with Kinect as well. High launch price, high subscription price/pay for online seperate.... lol just pathetic.
/facepalm.. PS3 doesn't have DDR5 RAM, it doesn't even exist... PS4 has GDDR5 RAM which is based on DDR3 SDRAM, but for GPUs, and has been out for years for on PC GPUs. Suffice to say, I doubt Durango will have DDR4, it isn't adapted yet and is rather expensive.I'd take 8GB of DDR5 rather than 12 of DDR4
8GB are more than enough for current and next 5 years of game development and having DDR5 can actually boost the performance significantly.
[QUOTE="KillzoneSnake"]If true, it would be nothing but a marketing gimmick. Consumers are generally clueless of technology and go by whatever numbers are the highest. And for all we know, 8GB of DDR5 could be overkill as well. The rumor before the PS4 was officially announced was that it would have 8GB of DDR5 instead of 4GB because the 720 was rumored to have more than 4GB of DDR3. Since dumb consumers go by numbers, 4GB of DDR5 would seem inferior even though its better. Its really no different than unrealistic specs on our HDTV's and headphone companies boasting about 5Hz - 30000Hz frequency responses even though the human ear can't hear anything close to those fail thread. Why in the world you do with need 12GB of ram? does next box console use up that much ram for pizza hut apps? lololol I dont see games on PS4 using over 6GB of ram. as for the two GPU's... why would you have 2 weaker GPUS's split? when its just better to have 1 stronger GPU.
Anyway... them specs are just dumb, and if true then expect it to cost more than PS4 since it has to come with Kinect as well. High launch price, high subscription price/pay for online seperate.... lol just pathetic.
fun side note about huma hearing, Tigers communicate through long distances using a frequency that is just under human hearing. They have done experiments with this tone and it gives people an uneasy feeling when played. So in theory Sound Engineers could implant this tone into horror movies to help give you the heebbee geebbees
[QUOTE="Heil68"][QUOTE="sts106mat"]i dont give a crap which console has the better RAM or GPU, just show us the games you are offering.Miketheman83Yup, I want games from both consoles and specifically exclusives. I dont want TV, DVR, media share, social or any of that other crap. Some people like myself would really like all the extra stuff too. You should realize youre not the center of the universe. I realize that, that's why I'm not buying the console till it has the games I want. Everybody is happy then, right?
Best sts106mat comment I've seen on here. good post too bad the same level headed logic cant be applied to you. youve posted more about da ps4 ram and system specs than games.[QUOTE="sts106mat"]i dont give a crap which console has the better RAM or GPU, just show us the games you are offering.casharmy
[QUOTE="sts106mat"]you said it man, with the pizaa hut app. we are not far away from my xbox knowing when my fridge is getting empty and connecting to the internet to order my next groceries. i'd really like it if the 720 and PS4 could wipe my ass too, you know. haha, All consoles are going to have that crap, Sony, MS and Nintendo want to be that one magical box that does everything and everyone has in their living room. I'm not looking to replace my DVR, PC or phone, just give me games. So I'm waiting on the 720 till it has enough non kinect exclusives to make it worth a purchase to me.[QUOTE="Heil68"] Yup, I want games from both consoles and specifically exclusives. I dont want TV, DVR, media share, social or any of that other crap. Heil68
[QUOTE="casharmy"]Best sts106mat comment I've seen on here. good post too bad the same level headed logic cant be applied to you. youve posted more about da ps4 ram and system specs than games.what exaclty have I posted about PS4 ram???[QUOTE="sts106mat"]i dont give a crap which console has the better RAM or GPU, just show us the games you are offering.WilliamRLBaker
lol, looks like all of your posts are still idiotic and delusional as usual.
[QUOTE="sts106mat"]i dont give a crap which console has the better RAM or GPU, just show us the games you are offering.Heil68Yup, I want games from both consoles and specifically exclusives. I dont want TV, DVR, media share, social or any of that other crap. Some people like myself would really like all the extra stuff too. You should realize youre not the center of the universe.
[QUOTE="Heil68"][QUOTE="sts106mat"]i dont give a crap which console has the better RAM or GPU, just show us the games you are offering.Miketheman83Yup, I want games from both consoles and specifically exclusives. I dont want TV, DVR, media share, social or any of that other crap. Some people like myself would really like all the extra stuff too. You should realize youre not the center of the universe. Neither are you.
The games they are making are obviously going to need all that RAM. lol!! The power of the 8GB GDDR5.. LMAO!!!lol fail thread. Why in the world you do with need 12GB of ram? does next box console use up that much ram for pizza hut apps? lololol I dont see games on PS4 using over 6GB of ram. as for the two GPU's... why would you have 2 weaker GPUS's split? when its just better to have 1 stronger GPU.
Anyway... them specs are just dumb, and if true then expect it to cost more than PS4 since it has to come with Kinect as well. High launch price, high subscription price/pay for online seperate.... lol just pathetic.
[QUOTE="freedomfreak"]Not me. Well, I'm only interested in the WiiU atm. Suppaman100How the hell can you be interested in wii u? It's like saying I'm interested in justin bieber...
and what musical group does being interested in the ps4 equate to?
oh and do the vita also..this should be good.
[QUOTE="call_of_duty_10"]But will it have any games?NohtnymKinect games.and more ports of n64 games the irony
[QUOTE="sts106mat"]i dont give a crap which console has the better RAM or GPU, just show us the games you are offering.clone01I agree. Well we already know Forza 5 and Halo 6 is coming. The other rumored titles included PGR5, Killer Instinct, MechAssault, RallySport, a new Perfect Dark and 2 new IP's that M$ isn't talking about yet. I'm sure everything won't be shown at this May 21st conference.
Very interesting if true. I'll probably end up waiting till 6 months after both consoles launch to make my final decision. I'm leery of buying launch consoles after the RROD and YLOD fiascos that happened this gen. I also need confirmation of the 720's OS RAM footprint. If it's as huge as people have been saying......
Anyone know how GDDR5 and DDR4 compare speedwise?
you hypocritical waste of space..... No damn PC games use more than 2-3 GB yet when that was brought up you cows were .... oh forget it your a fail thread. Why in the world you do with need 12GB of ram? does next box console use up that much ram for pizza hut apps? lololol I dont see games on PS4 using over 6GB of ram. as for the two GPU's... why would you have 2 weaker GPUS's split? when its just better to have 1 stronger GPU.
Anyway... them specs are just dumb, and if true then expect it to cost more than PS4 since it has to come with Kinect as well. High launch price, high subscription price/pay for online seperate.... lol just pathetic.
haha, All consoles are going to have that crap, Sony, MS and Nintendo want to be that one magical box that does everything and everyone has in their living room. I'm not looking to replace my DVR, PC or phone, just give me games. So I'm waiting on the 720 till it has enough non kinect exclusives to make it worth a purchase to me.[QUOTE="Heil68"][QUOTE="sts106mat"] you said it man, with the pizaa hut app. we are not far away from my xbox knowing when my fridge is getting empty and connecting to the internet to order my next groceries. i'd really like it if the 720 and PS4 could wipe my ass too, you know.
[QUOTE="Zaibach"]Weren't you one of the people that said, there wasn't enough time to do that? Maybe I'm thinking about someone else. Microsoft knows what they are doing. Sony jumped the gun.
Haha, I was right, it may have been re-spec'd
If that were the case, why would I say I was right
[QUOTE="clone01"][QUOTE="sts106mat"]i dont give a crap which console has the better RAM or GPU, just show us the games you are offering.blackaceI agree. Well we already know Forza 5 and Halo 6 is coming. The other rumored titles included PGR5, Killer Instinct, MechAssault, RallySport, a new Perfect Dark and 2 new IP's that M$ isn't talking about yet. I'm sure everything won't be shown at this May 21st conference. Not to mention whatever other third party games they purchase as exclusives, be it permanent of timed. They know they need games and I think we're going to be very surprised. AS for the always online thing, I haven't taken my Ethernet cable from the back of my 360 in 2 years, lol. And even if my net went down for a bit its not like there's nothing else in the world for me to do till the net comes back up. Always online, if it helps battle piracy, is fine by me. Not a big deal at all. Now show the damn games!!!! :)
Very interesting if true. I'll probably end up waiting till 6 months after both consoles launch to make my final decision. I'm leery of buying launch consoles after the RROD and YLOD fiascos that happened this gen. I also need confirmation of the 720's OS RAM footprint. If it's as huge as people have been saying......
Anyone know how GDDR5 and DDR4 compare speedwise?
Well speed wise DDR5 is definitely faster than DDR4. However, its not SIGNIFICANTLY FASTER as everyone "claims" it really is. If you're comparing 8GB of DDR5 to 8GB of DDR4, yes DDR5 wins outright and hands down. Given the apparent 12GB of DDR4 that is "going into" the next xbox, that would make it slightly better than the 8GB of the DDR5 going into the PS4. Also the PS4 is using "shared" ram for their system and graphics so that also plays into account when looking at which ram is better and what not. Obviously no one knows what/if the next xbox is gonna have shared ram as well, but if they do and the 12GB of DDR4 stands correct, then that will definitely win outright, regardless of the speed jump from 4-5. correct me if I am wrong, but didnt the 360 have independant for both the system and graphics and ps3 had shared? (i really cannot remember). if it is independant again this time around, and the rumours stand to be true, speed wise there is no comparison, the new xbox wins hands down.
honestly if these specs are true I would be insanely impressed and happy, the 64k is bumped up from 32, the ram bumped up, this would make cows cry, i see shengi is already backstepping, he predicted failureeeeeeeeeez for the 720, dont worry I hold him to it and will remind him when it doesnt fail.
12gb of ram could also mean that they expect this thing to be around for a long long time, and want to future proof. At the moment ram is one of the biggest limiting factors on consoles. If they solve that problem, they could exxtend this next gen for ages and ages, meaning a huge install base, and huge game sales and live subs.
Either way, my pc is better.
No... just no.12gb of ram could also mean that they expect this thing to be around for a long long time, and want to future proof. At the moment ram is one of the biggest limiting factors on consoles. If they solve that problem, they could exxtend this next gen for ages and ages, meaning a huge install base, and huge game sales and live subs.
Either way, my pc is better.
okay, so what the fvck is the point of 12gb of ram on day one or in five years? will the newbox run three versions of windows or wtf?silversix_Probably because of the cable/TV and all the HD streaming. Window 8 uses a lot of RAM I'm sure. Might want to push a few MMO's on the system, which could use a lot of ram with 100' people or more on the screen. Developers will be in heaven, that's for sure.
[QUOTE="silversix_"]okay, so what the fvck is the point of 12gb of ram on day one or in five years? will the newbox run three versions of windows or wtf?blackaceProbably because of the cable/TV and all the HD streaming. Window 8 uses a lot of RAM I'm sure. Might want to push a few MMO's on the system, which could use a lot of ram with 100' people or more on the screen. Developers will be in heaven, that's for sure.
Actually no Windows 8 uses less RAM than Windows 7. It's one of the leaner versions of Windows.
:lol: That looks fake as hell. Any random lemming could have made such a fake looking document. :lol: No way the 720 will have 12GB of DDR4.
I saw this on another forum and didn't see it posted here. Wow, RIP PS4 if this happens. No "but teh GDDR5" here..
[QUOTE="silversix_"]okay, so what the fvck is the point of 12gb of ram on day one or in five years? will the newbox run three versions of windows or wtf?blackaceProbably because of the cable/TV and all the HD streaming. Window 8 uses a lot of RAM I'm sure. Might want to push a few MMO's on the system, which could use a lot of ram with 100' people or more on the screen. Developers will be in heaven, that's for sure.
[QUOTE="Shewgenja"]:lol: That looks fake as hell. Any random lemming could have made such a fake looking document. :lol: No way the 720 will have 12GB of DDR4.
I saw this on another forum and didn't see it posted here. Wow, RIP PS4 if this happens. No "but teh GDDR5" here..
What the heck is the 64MB of SRAM doing there?
:lol: That looks fake as hell. Any random lemming could have made such a fake looking document. :lol: No way the 720 will have 12GB of DDR4.[QUOTE="I_can_haz"][QUOTE="Shewgenja"]
I saw this on another forum and didn't see it posted here. Wow, RIP PS4 if this happens. No "but teh GDDR5" here..
What the heck is the 64MB of SRAM doing there?
LOL its the Bottleneck hahahahaha.
[QUOTE="silversix_"]okay, so what the fvck is the point of 12gb of ram on day one or in five years? will the newbox run three versions of windows or wtf?blackaceProbably because of the cable/TV and all the HD streaming. Window 8 uses a lot of RAM I'm sure. Might want to push a few MMO's on the system, which could use a lot of ram with 100' people or more on the screen. Developers will be in heaven, that's for sure. errr what? really... HD streaming and MMOs is your justificaiton? no jsut no -_-'
[QUOTE="Shewgenja"]:lol: That looks fake as hell. Any random lemming could have made such a fake looking document. :lol: No way the 720 will have 12GB of DDR4.Oh oh oh cow butthurt over rumour lol
I saw this on another forum and didn't see it posted here. Wow, RIP PS4 if this happens. No "but teh GDDR5" here..
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