@kingtito said:
How so? Cows have been saying all gen BC wasn't needed and didn't buy new consoles to play old games. Those console in no way invalidate what I've said here. Nice try though
X1s BC wasn't even supposed to happen due to the differences between the 360 and X1 architecture. It was a bonus that cows tried to shit on but now you're all for it.
Yeah, clowns of SWs
1.Did you buy your xbox one to play xbox 360 games?
Did you buy your 360 to play original xbox games?
I sure didn't buy a NEW console to play old games,if i would be able to play them that would simply be a nice bonus.
2-Thanks we all know BC was an after though of MS after they got their ass kick,but emulating the xbox 360 isn't complicated at all,the GPU inside the xbox 360 was already from AMD and the xbox 360 CPU is a joke that can be emulated even by a shitty jaguar.
Cell on the other hand isn't and if sony emulated GPU calls of Nvidia hardware they would have been force to pay for BC,just like MS had to do when they emulated original xbox game on 360 they had to pay a royalty to Nvidia.
@kingtito said:
Proof to back that up? I don't keep my old consoles and I don't know a single person that did unless they're a game collector. I would bet the large majority of gamers, you know those casuals, don't.
The rumble reference was pointing to Sony's hypocrisy with rumble then and BC now. It was Sony that BC wasn't a feature it's gamers wanted or cared about. How is that claiming I can tell the future?
No, Sony didn't charge to play online games unlike this gen. Cows were saying all gen how online gaming should be free like it is on PC. You cows constantly trashed LIVE and MS because they charged to play online. Funny how that all changed once Sony starting charging on the low. They couldn't even bother to let gamers know ahead of time.
And you're a clown and hypocrite. Guess that makes us even huh cow? Go cry in your corner son.
So you want proof that people keep their old consoles? Hahahahahaa
Why don't you prove that people don't your shitty anecdotal evidence means nothing,prove that every one sell its platform after they get a new one.
Worse selling the xbox 360 back on 2013 would have let you without games and a platform since BC wasn't announce for xbox one on 2013 it was something that was announce latter after launch so yeah again you are lying as always to fit your shitty argument.
Officially if you sold your 360 on launch you would have nothing to play its game on the xbox one didn't get BC until 2015,in fact it was announce by MS on E3 2015.
Yeah just like P2P was great last gen on 360 side and this gen is dedicated servers or nothing,which turn also to be a lie most xbox one games are still P2P as well.
Just like Blu-ray was bad but this gen was great.
Just like who cares about mods or cross play last gen and this gen oh we need cross play and mods.
Please dude stop,how great was last gen when you were paying double dip for netflix?
No but they charged for PS+ which was games already it was coming,and unlike you silly lemming i don't see cows saying how great is sony for charging in fact is one fu** up move in my eyes,and charging for online play is wrong no matter who does it,but you hypocrites were fast to point the finger when in reality you should be doing with sony what you did with MS,you know.
Things cost money.
Break live cost over 365 days to make it look cheap.
Claim the money goes for better online service.
Use gas,electricity,mortgage,cell phones bills to justify paying for it.
Shit Like ^^ is what you should have say this gen instead of trying to attack sony for something MS has been doing for 11 years before sony even started doing it and something you people defended at broken back.
Oh wait i remember now that you own 3 xbox one including a X model and some how you don't pay for xbox live..Hahahahahaa
You are a total liar and we know how you love to make argument to order to fit your agenda.
@Steppy_76 said:
I prefer emulation over hardware BC as you can greatly improve the games vs the original hardware they were made for. We're also at a time where games tend to hold up much better over time vs. the old days. I have ZERO desire to play any PS1 games(the early 3d hardware doesn't hold up well at all). PS2 era games NEED some heavy duty clean up to look presentable nowdays. Last gen games hold up pretty well, and this gens games should hold up very well next gen.
The xbox one is still gonna end up selling about 50 million consoles this gen, that is hardly a "struggle to remain relevant".
Sony has yet to show that previous gen purchases move from system to system, so I'm going to assume that your library doesn't carry over until SONY actually says that's what they intend to do(I think these patents about BC are going to be so you can play PSNow games natively next gen rather than just streaming). So far every purchase I've made on XBL has carried forward to new systems. Not the case for either Sony or Nintendo.
You can still add effect while using hardware BC,in fact the PS2 had an option to smooth textures of PS1 games.
Take into account this was on 2000 when video card effects were on its infancy compare to how they are today,and in fact many effects that use to be software based in the old days were moved to be hardware supported,in other words hardware was added to support the feature natively.
Example of this is Virtual texturing,which is know as Partially Resident Textures or as MS sold it on xbox one as tile resources which is basically hardware level virtual texturing.
PS now reason of been is streaming,natively i don't think they want to do that,and PS Now is not BC is a rental service.
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