This shows how little you have looked into this game, below Ive added a response in italics:
no man, I don't hate everything.
well here are the things I have against Bioshock:
1- The enviorment is not modern (40s-50s time period) and I got really tired of such time period because of all the WWII games and its uninteresting weapons design.
The 40s-50s styling is a refreshing new idea, its nothing like the war torn cities of the CoD series. You obviously only like sci-fi type games, thats fine, but it doesnt make this type any less fantastic, its a breath of fresh air if you ask me. Also this game uses bioweapons, you can inject yourself and it causes changes within your body that can then be used as powers for use as weapons, the last thing this game does is restrict weaponry to ww2 weapons, watch the 'hunting the big daddy' trailer on xbl.
I have a question here, please answer it honestly; wouldn't you rather have a modern (or futuristic) settings, if and only if you're assured that all the other game element (bio stuff, freaks, etc...) stayed intact?
weapons aside, don't you agree that old time period $tyle and fashion is really not that appealing?
I mean, do you really consider the antique junk furniture inside the houses in CoD a breath of fresh air compared to say Las Vegas Luxurious Hotels / Casinos (like in Rainbow Six: Vegas)?
This is what I mean of not modern, the enviorment instantly becomes less appealing. And my issue is; why settle for less, when you can keep the same game concept but with modern settings?
Was that really crazy wrong for me to complain about? or you agree on this point?
2- The enviorment is creepy, but not in a good way (good way like in Riddick), it just shows you ugly deformed looking children and people. I guess the developer didn't know how to make a good scary enviorment so they decided to go with disgusting. (which scares only young gamers that the game rating doesn't even cater for).
The idea is its meant to be an abandoned city underwater where experiments went on, if you ask me thats perfect for creating a creepy ****of environment, this game is heavily story driven to create an atmosphere and the disgusting element you refer to is part of a human genetic experimentation storyline. This is innovative and different to what anyone else is doing right now.
They could have kept the freaks insane, but not ugly to look at. I mean, what's wrong of having enemy that you fear but respect (like in Metal Gear) instead of getting disgusted from?
My question to you; would you rather have interesting smart enemy characters like say Olga in Metal Gear or some crazy deformed and dirty no-name zombie-like nurse?
Or would you rather have the cute little girl Emma (from Metal Gear 2) instead of the disturbed chucky the childs play looking girl in Bioshock?
What I'm saying is, I hate about this game is how it's wasting so many opportunities to be instantly appealing and better.
If you answer the questions above honestly, I'm sure you'll understand what's wrong in Bioshock's game design. And why what I sugguested was much better.
3- The weapons (not that I care at this point after point 1 and 2) are underpowered. This means the game has condemned written all over it when it comes to managing ammo and resources.
The idea is that you use your bio weapons in a more intelligent way, rather than just shooting your way through corridors, again the XBL trailer shows this and its going to be nothing at all like condemed, if couldnt be further from using a thompson or springfield to fight germans. Do you research before bashing something you obviously have looked at very little.
I could live with low or no ammo if the game was little more appealing like Riddick. But as I pointed out; the choices the designers made (especially in point 1 and 2) are really taking the game into the wrong direction (appeal wise)
So what's the hook for me to play it now; the enviorment is not appealing, the characters are mindless zombies (watch the big daddy video and you'll understand this point).
And now they are asking gamers to instead of using proper modern warfare weapons, they have to deform themselves into some silly looking freaks that could say spit acid or have a long arms /legs (or even fart toxic gases) to use instead of bullets?
The only way this game would have been interesting to me, is if it was designed with these elements:
a) futuristic enviorment (like doom3 but with no stupid demons and no respawning enemies)
You have a very closed mind, this is like a 50's comic ****with that focuses on genetic experimentation.
b) had a beautiful escape plot (like Riddick).
Getting out of rapture and discovering whats happen down there is a cracking plot, what are you thinking.
c) interaction with other friendly humans (non freaks) like in Metal Gear.
I havent seen anything along this line yet apart from the odd scientist, but they were aggresive, I know what you mean with this one but theres nothing to say this type of thing wont be included, keep watching for this I'd say
am I alone here and crazy wrong about this?
I dont know if you alone or not, but I'd deffinatly say your wrong about it, not least because you seem to have overlooked alot of gameplay elemants and presumed a little to much.
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