The games is certainly looking sweet and me hopes the game-play is the sweetness as well and ATM, I'm betting on it. :P
IYO what games for the other consoles is Fable 3 up against.. ya know, in the same genre and launching in close proximity ?
Any thoughts
I can't hardly wait to get started on this one and I just know, I tell ya I just know PM won't let me down cause the third time is the charm... AAA. 8)
Read the interview here:
Last few paragraphs...
Eurogamer: You've mentioned the scale of the game - can you compare that with Fable II, as an example?
John McCormack: It's... I don't know the logistics yet. It's definitely bigger than Fable II by a long way, but it's bigger in breadth, as well. We've got a lot more variation in this one. As you said, we never had an engine before - now, with the engine, iteration is faster. We're working at 10 times the speed we ever did on Fable II.
Eurogamer: Since the first Fable, you've moved away from the big armour, big swords, traditional fantasy aesthetic. Why did you decide to do that? Have you had any resistance to it?
John McCormack: We never want to lose our dark fairytale roots. We always intended to have creatures, but they're not in your face - they never have been. It's not a traditional fantasy world, but with Fable 1, we weren't brave enough in our **** We didn't make the world we wanted to make. We thought, well, we should have a dragon - that's just what we're expected to have.
Mike McCarthy: We've always wanted it to be more about the creepy, dark, European or Celtic ****folklore. The kind of fairytale that's very charming and quite eerie, but where utterly hideous things happen. If you read original fairytales, they're absolutely horrible - all sorts of terrible things happen, but in a very charming, dark, strange way, rather than having some guy in armour riding a dragon who comes and saves a village. It's more underplayed and eerie than that.
John McCormack: Plus, we want to create a world that actually makes sense in terms of its technological progress. Industrial progression does kill, or try to drive underground, all of that strangeness - it becomes folklore. The people in the game talk about the events of Fable 1 in that way - "Did that happen? Did trolls exist?" You know, they heard about it when they were kids. That's the natural order of the world, this stuff is driven underneath, into the woods.
Mike McCarthy: It also starts to inhabit the very stuff that's driving it underground. Everything starts to get slightly effected by the stuff that's going on underneath - so it's all a bit crooked and strange.
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