It's great year for gaming...
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Few interesting tidbits (User 3D modeling, for one, because I really want everyone to see how beautiful I am in videogame form)
Switching profile configuration automatically on the fly is cool, I guess - not a concern for me because I primarly game alone but could be coolish
Most interested to see how video uploading works and if it's clunky or not
Cows are going to lose their sH7t over this. FoxbatAlphaWell they already lost it once already in the Dead Rising 3 thread today. How much shit are they full of?
They call DR3 tremendous looking game and so is Forza5 and its next gen pre-bakery :lol: Avatar smiles when you smile... People sure will be buying x1 for this feature lol what a bunch of useless shitsilversix_This may all seem useless now but the X1 will be packed with features. So may even turn out to be the "how did I ever live without this" feature. We shall see but I think it's shaping up to be truly next gen.
[QUOTE="silversix_"]They call DR3 tremendous looking game and so is Forza5 and its next gen pre-bakery :lol: Avatar smiles when you smile... People sure will be buying x1 for this feature lol what a bunch of useless shitFoxbatAlphaThis may all seem useless now but the X1 will be packed with features. So may even turn out to be the "how did I ever live without this" feature. We shall see but I think it's shaping up to be truly next gen. He is a butthurt fanboy. Basically a waste of time. Move on man........
[QUOTE="FoxbatAlpha"][QUOTE="silversix_"]They call DR3 tremendous looking game and so is Forza5 and its next gen pre-bakery :lol: Avatar smiles when you smile... People sure will be buying x1 for this feature lol what a bunch of useless shittimbers_WSUThis may all seem useless now but the X1 will be packed with features. So may even turn out to be the "how did I ever live without this" feature. We shall see but I think it's shaping up to be truly next gen. He is a butthurt fanboy. Basically a waste of time. Move on man........Butthurt about what and fanboy of what? think before writing something. Move on lol
[QUOTE="FoxbatAlpha"][QUOTE="silversix_"]They call DR3 tremendous looking game and so is Forza5 and its next gen pre-bakery :lol: Avatar smiles when you smile... People sure will be buying x1 for this feature lol what a bunch of useless shittimbers_WSUThis may all seem useless now but the X1 will be packed with features. So may even turn out to be the "how did I ever live without this" feature. We shall see but I think it's shaping up to be truly next gen. He is a butthurt fanboy. Basically a waste of time. Move on man........ Some day around November, every butthurt cow will see the light. I think they are more angry about no good launch line up, the share button and ClownZone: Framerate Fall. Meh indeed.
[QUOTE="RR360DD"]Meanwhile .... the PS4 is a last gen console with extra RAM LOLAHUGECAT
buh but teh cell? Oh wait, that's the PS3.
Xbox One may not have teh powar teh PS4 has, but it changes the way we play games. Isn't it gameplay that matters?
Agreed. Kinect and the Cloud open up so many new innovative opportunities in games. PS4 allows for prettier graphics LOL
[QUOTE="RR360DD"]Meanwhile .... the PS4 is a last gen console with extra RAM LOLAHUGECAT
buh but teh cell? Oh wait, that's the PS3.
Xbox One may not have teh powar teh PS4 has, but it changes the way we play games. Isn't it gameplay that matters?
Everywhere except System Wars....unless it benefit's Sony. Then it matters.The tech behind Kinect is nuts. I'd love them to do something that wasn't a crappy game or a NSA spy device. clyde46Well, that's why having it standard with the console is such a good idea. Takes away extra steps that devs might have to go through to utilize it in their games. If you know its there and everyone has one, its more compelling to integrate it. I really hope we see some super original, innovative, kick ass stuff with Kinect 2 in games.
[QUOTE="clyde46"]The tech behind Kinect is nuts. I'd love them to do something that wasn't a crappy game or a NSA spy device. lockjaw333Well, that's why having it standard with the console is such a good idea. Takes away extra steps that devs might have to go through to utilize it in their games. If you know its there and everyone has one, its more compelling to integrate it. I really hope we see some super original, innovative, kick ass stuff with Kinect 2 in games. There is already some cool stuff coming with Kinect. Kinect Sports- No one is really talking about it but the first 2 were pretty good. Dead Rising- Allows you to get Zombies attention by making noise to set traps. Also to give your position away. Killer Instinct- Game recognizes who you are and saves your button configuration's, favorite, characters, and settings. EA is using it to call your audibles out in Madden instead of having to go through the menu. Madden players know there is never enough time to get your audibles set up before the clock runs down or the offense hikes the ball. The XB1 knows your voice and sets settings, game sales, movies, and music based on your user history. So it is being used. And this is just first day use. I am sure things will get better over time.
It's actually the other way around....Xbox ONe is a true next generation leap. The PS4 is just a beefed up PS3..
[QUOTE="lockjaw333"][QUOTE="clyde46"]The tech behind Kinect is nuts. I'd love them to do something that wasn't a crappy game or a NSA spy device. timbers_WSUWell, that's why having it standard with the console is such a good idea. Takes away extra steps that devs might have to go through to utilize it in their games. If you know its there and everyone has one, its more compelling to integrate it. I really hope we see some super original, innovative, kick ass stuff with Kinect 2 in games. There is already some cool stuff coming with Kinect. Kinect Sports- No one is really talking about it but the first 2 were pretty good. Dead Rising- Allows you to get Zombies attention by making noise to set traps. Also to give your position away. Killer Instinct- Game recognizes who you are and saves your button configuration's, favorite, characters, and settings. EA is using it to call your audibles out in Madden instead of having to go through the menu. Madden players know there is never enough time to get your audibles set up before the clock runs down or the offense hikes the ball. The XB1 knows your voice and sets settings, game sales, movies, and music based on your user history. So it is being used. And this is just first day use. I am sure things will get better over time. Yeah man, I hear you. All of that sounds cool to me. I mean if nothing else, Kinect 2 is just a really cool piece of tech. I will probably get flamed for this, but getting it in the box for only $100 more is pretty cheap. I bet it would run for more by itself. I just never understood why people see Kinect as a bad thing. Its by far the best motion control solution out there, puts Wii and PS move (Wiimotes with balloons) to shame. Its just an option thats there, that cant be bad. Once devs start using it in hardcore games it will pay off.
[QUOTE="AHUGECAT"]It's actually the other way around.... You think just because of GDDR5 it's next gen? Share button that is based on developers opting to utilize it per game? Horrible launch line up and a yet to be seen capable network. Maybe you just don't know about the X1 and its features.Xbox ONe is a true next generation leap. The PS4 is just a beefed up PS3..
[QUOTE="YoshiYogurt"][QUOTE="AHUGECAT"]It's actually the other way around.... You think just because of GDDR5 it's next gen? Share button that is based on developers opting to utilize it per game? Horrible launch line up and a yet to be seen capable network. Maybe you just don't know about the X1 and its features. PS4 has a stronger GPU. Killzone and Infamous look miles better than a fighting game remake and a racer. Not interested in mediocre rising.Xbox ONe is a true next generation leap. The PS4 is just a beefed up PS3..
[QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"]None of that seems new to me. :?lawlessxnew features...for consoles :PNo, I mean I knew about these console features before this video. :P
[QUOTE="RR360DD"]Meanwhile .... the PS4 is a last gen console with extra RAM LOLRR360DD
buh but teh cell? Oh wait, that's the PS3.
Xbox One may not have teh powar teh PS4 has, but it changes the way we play games. Isn't it gameplay that matters?
Agreed. Kinect and the Cloud open up so many new innovative opportunities in games. PS4 allows for prettier graphics LOL
Lol kinect[QUOTE="AHUGECAT"]
[QUOTE="RR360DD"]Meanwhile .... the PS4 is a last gen console with extra RAM LOLRR360DD
buh but teh cell? Oh wait, that's the PS3.
Xbox One may not have teh powar teh PS4 has, but it changes the way we play games. Isn't it gameplay that matters?
Agreed. Kinect and the Cloud open up so many new innovative opportunities in games. PS4 allows for prettier graphics LOL
The Xbox One has so many innovative games - Sunset Overdrive, Quantum Break, Dead Rising 3, Fantasia, Project Spark, Titanfall, etc. etc. The PS4 is literally just more of the same. Killzone: Shadow Fall is a generic FPS, Knack is a generic beat-em-up (NOT a platformer), Infamous... meh.
Microsoft is even more innovative than Nintendo this gen.
[QUOTE="YoshiYogurt"][QUOTE="FoxbatAlpha"]buh but teh cell? Oh wait, that's the PS3.
Xbox One may not have teh powar teh PS4 has, but it changes the way we play games. Isn't it gameplay that matters?
Agreed. Kinect and the Cloud open up so many new innovative opportunities in games. PS4 allows for prettier graphics LOL
The Xbox One has so many innovative games - Sunset Overdrive, Quantum Break, Dead Rising 3, Fantasia, Project Spark, Titanfall, etc. etc. The PS4 is literally just more of the same. Killzone: Shadow Fall is a generic FPS, Knack is a generic beat-em-up (NOT a platformer), Infamous... meh.
Microsoft is even more innovative than Nintendo this gen.
I don't see how forcing kinect is being innovative. Not buying a XBONE until they sell it without kinect.[QUOTE="RR360DD"]
buh but teh cell? Oh wait, that's the PS3.
Xbox One may not have teh powar teh PS4 has, but it changes the way we play games. Isn't it gameplay that matters?
Agreed. Kinect and the Cloud open up so many new innovative opportunities in games. PS4 allows for prettier graphics LOL
The Xbox One has so many innovative games - Sunset Overdrive, Quantum Break, Dead Rising 3, Fantasia, Project Spark, Titanfall, etc. etc. The PS4 is literally just more of the same. Killzone: Shadow Fall is a generic FPS, Knack is a generic beat-em-up (NOT a platformer), Infamous... meh.
Microsoft is even more innovative than Nintendo this gen.
To be fair we haven't really seen anything from Nintendo yet. Nintendoland, Mario Wii U and......... The Wii U will be worth grabbing when Kart, Smash, and Bayonetta are released (And a price cut.) but the controller which is a good chunk of the consoles price has been pretty useless so far. Nintendo always goes through these slumps with their consoles but I think the Wii U is really giving them a hard time. They don't even know what to do with the controller. I wish they would drop it and add the Pro Controller and sell that for $199 or whatever.I don't see how forcing kinect is being innovative. Not buying a XBONE until they sell it without kinect.YoshiYogurt
I think you meant to quote me. Anyway, it's innovative because it brings new ways to play old games, and new games period. The Kinect for Xbox 360 WAS indeed, a gimmick meant to get a slice of the Wii pie, but now it looks like Kinect 2 is the next step in true gaming.
PS4 is just a PS3 with more RAM and a better CPU. Xbox One has more RAM, and a better CPU than the 360 but also has the cloud and Kinect 2.
Agreed. Kinect and the Cloud open up so many new innovative opportunities in games. PS4 allows for prettier graphics LOL
The Xbox One has so many innovative games - Sunset Overdrive, Quantum Break, Dead Rising 3, Fantasia, Project Spark, Titanfall, etc. etc. The PS4 is literally just more of the same. Killzone: Shadow Fall is a generic FPS, Knack is a generic beat-em-up (NOT a platformer), Infamous... meh.
Microsoft is even more innovative than Nintendo this gen.
To be fair we haven't really seen anything from Nintendo yet. Nintendoland, Mario Wii U and......... The Wii U will be worth grabbing when Kart, Smash, and Bayonetta are released (And a price cut.) but the controller which is a good chunk of the consoles price has been pretty useless so far. Nintendo always goes through these slumps with their consoles but I think the Wii U is really giving them a hard time. They don't even know what to do with the controller. I wish they would drop it and add the Pro Controller and sell that for $199 or whatever.So true. I am disappointed with the Wii U. The Wii was incredible for a while... there's no mystery on why it sold so much, but then Nintendo just kinda went downhill. The tablet controller was a big WTH? The Wiimote was based on SIMPLICITY. Anyone can pick it up and play. The Wii U tablet controller is big, clunky, and definitely not simple. It's useless - as you said, not even Nintendo knows what to do with it. I think Nintendo saw the iPad and thought to try and get at the iPad crowd.
Anyway, to me, the biggest insult on the Wii U is Super Mario 3D World. After the incredible Mario Galaxy 1 and 2, I was hoping for a Super Mario Universe in HD.... instead we get a 3DS remake. Unreal. Nintendo is DONE.
I really hope Microsoft has RARE make a REAL Banjo Threeie... cause that is the last hope for a 3D platformer.
Im so stoked about the Kinect, its going to prove out, the original vision will be in play here. Its a new technology, its innovative, and its revolutionary. I hope for always on as well, as then I could remote into my house, i love it so much... Next gen is going to be sick with my 300mb connection xbox1 certified house. Push the envelope, hope to see alot in my lifetime.
[QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"]None of that seems new to me. :?lawlessxnew features...for consoles :Pps4 records.....
Hey, that's actually kinda cool. I like small gimmicks like this.Avatar's that smile when you smile?
Wonder what else I can make the Avatar do?
The tech behind Kinect is nuts. I'd love them to do something that wasn't a crappy game or a NSA spy device. clyde46Correct me if I'm wrong but in britain don't they have lots of surveillance cameras everywhere
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