2:40 on can track individual finger movements.
...So no then.
That's the video that prompted my inquiry as to whether the Kinect has seen a sudden improvement or if IGN is being crap. All I've heard up until this point is that the Kinect recognizes what's essentially paddle hands, or clamp hands. Thumb (tracks the tip I think), and then the rest of the hand by the points of your fingertips. So it can recognize grabbing moves, but not individual fingers, or their joints.
"can track your individual finger movements within 3 meters, and works in a minimum of 1 meter" from the video. I guess we need more info but ill be it will do sign language, its ok to have doubts, but i think Microsoft has done it right. SO much so they intergrated the freaking camera into there whole system.
Yes, I know. And Microsoft employees actually working on the Kinect have been contradicting that statement, and this is the first I've heard of the supposed ability to track individual finger movements. Which is why I'm asking for an actual source to corroborate what that IGN guy is reporting.
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