I would laugh if this game flops. Infamous 2 wasn't that great (played it myself)
Oh course you would, it's a natrual emotion of those who are jelly
Flop or not, the gamers I.E. PS4 owners still win, Infamous Second Son looks amazing. Of course haters hope it flops.
The only question I have is if it has a good story. TLOU "flopped" here too, But the people who laughed at that who didn't own a PS3 or play the game found out by the end of the year that they were the ones who were stupid. Flopping at GS didn't stop it from being critcally praised as of the best games of the entire generation and overwhelmingly seen as the best game of 2013.
My prediction score of Infamous SS was low because I just don't know about GS reviewing for the franchise after Infamous 2, but also my personal hype was low, but now after seeing new gameplay my presonal hype has been risen. I don't care if GS flops it as long as it ends up beng a great game, I would laugh at the floppage with you haters and proceed to play an awesome exclusive game, just like I did with TLOU.
I'm only buying this game because there's currently not much else to play on the platform. Hopefully it's as good as the first game. At least I know I'm gonna be getting a healthy dose of some spectacular eye candy.
Plus the guy in infamous 3 looks soooo cheesy with his white boy smile that just to cheesy & cringe worthy. Who dressed him anyways? Are the developers that old to think anyone dresses like that from 70s still lol
I agree about the character seems like a lame. I have Infamous 1 and the character was okay.
As far his clothes, well isn't that how Seattle people dress?
I know for a fact lems are extremely jelly but will never ever admit it. Instead they will be playing Call of Duty seven months before the call of duty season. YAY.
Is this gif in 792p?
lol owned.
Haz, your a plague around here and so damn jelly over titanfall
Why would I be jelly? My PC ran the beta at 1200p @ 60 fps. Here are pics I took of it...
If anyone should be jealous it's a dumb pleb lem like you trying to boast with an inferior version of a multiplat. How's the 792p @ 45fps on Xbone treating ya?
The game even looks horrible on pc. I cant believe the One has to run that in 720p.
The hour long gameplay from ign was boring as hell. Nothing in there screamed next gen.
The gameplay looks repeative & dull. The enemys you fight are boring ass soldiers in body armor lol. Nothing impressive there. Sorry but shooting regular genertic dudes 24/7 is boring as hell. You only have a very SMALL baby sword out of neon that u just spam 1 button over & over lol. You shoot VERY SMALL red balls at the A.I which looks lame since it doesn't really do anything or the SOUND when you shoot it. It doesn't sound like your packing a punch probably because its small spit balls LOL. You can run on walls/ glide etc etc just like Saints Row 4 only difference is SR4 is a successful franchise & done better while infamous is just boring in comparison & NOT a proven franchise (Infamous 2 sales are dogshit poor LOL) Plus the guy in infamous 3 looks soooo cheesy with his white boy smile that just to cheesy & cringe worthy. Who dressed him anyways? Are the developers that old to think anyone dresses like that from 70s still lol
Throw those blows with all your might little guy :)
Now THIS is what I am talking about. don't even bother making paragraphs, just let it flow...
Looks awesome. Hopefully the rest of the game lives up to that same quality. Excited to get Titanfall for my Xbox One and this for my PS4. It's a good time to own a PS4, but a better time to be a gamer.
Looks like Prototype, which wasnt a very good game.
Sorry troll, Infamous came out before prototype so it's prototype that is the look-a-like. It is no ones fault that you only play games avalible on PC and that are oftern times mutiplats and of lesser quality then exclusves on consoles.
hmmm it seems gameplay and control is the exact same thing as we saw in infamous 1 and 2.
Now we just need to hope the world isn't completely limited like those two games were because this is whats important, we knew graphics would increase but the issue with infamous 1 and 2 is that every enemy was just a copy and paste of the other as were the npcs and it was just running around a bunch of buildings without being able to enter any of them.
The hour long gameplay from ign was boring as hell. Nothing in there screamed next gen.
The gameplay looks repeative & dull. The enemys you fight are boring ass soldiers in body armor lol. Nothing impressive there. Sorry but shooting regular genertic dudes 24/7 is boring as hell. You only have a very SMALL baby sword out of neon that u just spam 1 button over & over lol. You shoot VERY SMALL red balls at the A.I which looks lame since it doesn't really do anything or the SOUND when you shoot it. It doesn't sound like your packing a punch probably because its small spit balls LOL. You can run on walls/ glide etc etc just like Saints Row 4 only difference is SR4 is a successful franchise & done better while infamous is just boring in comparison & NOT a proven franchise (Infamous 2 sales are dogshit poor LOL) Plus the guy in infamous 3 looks soooo cheesy with his white boy smile that just to cheesy & cringe worthy. Who dressed him anyways? Are the developers that old to think anyone dresses like that from 70s still lol
Throw those blows with all your might little guy :)
Now THIS is what I am talking about. don't even bother making paragraphs, just let it flow...
The xbone doesn't deserve to be trunks, that's above it's pay grade.
Nice graphics but after a week, when you beat the game it'll be done with. No co-op or multiplayer to give Infamous SS any re-play value. I'm just waiting for it to drop on playstion plus and pick it up for free. Naughty Dog did a good job with Uncharted 2, whenever I got burn out in singleplayer I could hop online and do some co-op to break it up. Just kind of bummed they didnt add anything new with Infamous SS.
hmmm it seems gameplay and control is the exact same thing as we saw in infamous 1 and 2.
Now we just need to hope the world isn't completely limited like those two games were because this is whats important, we knew graphics would increase but the issue with infamous 1 and 2 is that every enemy was just a copy and paste of the other as were the npcs and it was just running around a bunch of buildings without being able to enter any of them.
it's already been revealed that damage in the game all explosions destruction is permanent the entire time you play the game, and everything you see in the world is accessible, I.E. if you see it in the background you can actually go there. No fake card board back drops of buildings that don't exist like in most games or current gen open world games like Dead Raising 3.
Those two factors are pretty exciting considering they scaled the entire city of Seattle.
So everything you see here is reachable.
knowing how you lemmings love to create standards for PS games that you don't expect from any other games however, It's clear that no PS exclusive will ever satisfy you short of it becoming a xbox exclusive. I have never seen you complain about the lack of or need for things in current gen xbox games but then again you guys have no standards for those games.
You've sung praised to Dead Raising have you not? You shouldn't come in this thread trying to suggest what a PS game need have done when the games you praise have their fair share of issues that you never breath a word about. It would be nice if we could get an unbiased and objective opinion out of you but your selective criticism kills your credibility. By being an xbox one defender you kind of bow of being one who can come in and criticize games on other systems for short comings that you think they have.
hmmm it seems gameplay and control is the exact same thing as we saw in infamous 1 and 2.
Now we just need to hope the world isn't completely limited like those two games were because this is whats important, we knew graphics would increase but the issue with infamous 1 and 2 is that every enemy was just a copy and paste of the other as were the npcs and it was just running around a bunch of buildings without being able to enter any of them.
it's already been revealed that damage in the game all explosions destruction is permanent the entire time you play the game, and everything you see in the world is accessible, I.E. if you see it in the background you can actually go there. No fake card board back drops of buildings that don't exist like in most games or current gen open world games like Dead Raising 3.
Those two factors are pretty exciting considering they scaled the entire city of Seattle.
So everything you see here is reachable.
knowing how you lemmings love to create standards for PS games that you don't expect from any other games however, It's clear that no PS exclusive will ever satisfy you short of it becoming a xbox exclusive. I have never seen you complain about the lack of or need for things in current gen xbox games but then again you guys have no standards for those games.
You've sung praised to Dead Raising have you not? You shouldn't come in this thread trying to suggest what a PS game need have done when the games you praise have their fair share of issues that you never breath a word about. It would be nice if we could get an unbiased and objective opinion out of you but your selective criticism kills your credibility. By being an xbox one defender you kind of bow of being one who can come in and criticize games on other systems for short comings that you think they have.
lol someones unobservant and illiterate I don't own an xbox dOne I don't defend the xbox dOne I come here to laugh at sheen's, but lets start
1. nothing you said touched on anything I said, carbon copy npcs and enemies which in 1 and 2 were LITERALLY just copy and paste jobs a few loose textures thrown on.
2. In 1 and 2 you could go any where...except enter pretty much no building...etc which was my point which isn't the same as something being a backdrop and not being able to go there, I went to every single land mass in Infamous 1 and 2 by using my powers and tricks *platnium trophy on both games* and I've played deadrising 3 and been just about every where in the game so I'm not seeing your point except to assume you've not played a minute of it.
3. these are not my standards these are sheen standards Infamous 1 and later on 2 sheens said would be fully interactive cities with no two npcs alike and no enemies alike, the game couldn't ever be done on the 360 because of this and this could be done because of bluray....they were released and there were only about 5 unique npcs copy and pasted with the lightest of changes, the same for enemies, no building could be entered almost nothing was as interactive as was promised...GTA 4 and 5 were BIGGER and far more varied in what you could do and they shipped on dvd.
Simply put this is sheen backfire from last generation.
P.S: this is system wars I'm pretty sure even If I owned an xbox dOne and defended it I could comment and go anywhere I like...because its freaking system wars where every other post is a troll attempt.
P.P.S: IF you came to system wars expecting unbiased and objective opinion than you fail twice because 1. you are on system wars, 2. opinion cannot be unbiased or objective.
P.P.P.S: lolololol you judging someone else as biased and subjective when on this VERY page you prove you are neither.
we already knew it's going to have a bunch of pretty particle effects
Lol this exactly. The gameplay will still be boring and repetitive just like the first 2 were but the graphics are impressive though I do have to give them that much.
So a game you've never touched before? hmm yes...YESSS
Until they show otherwise, the game will be repetitive and boring just like the first 2 were. Well I change that, the first 2 were fun for about 3 hours and then, they became boring and repetitive and I see this one suffering from that exact same fate but I give credit where credit is due because this game graphically looks amazing.
I know for a fact lems are extremely jelly but will never ever admit it. Instead they will be playing Call of Duty seven months before the call of duty season. YAY.
Why jelly? Buy PS 4 and Infamous. Return PS 4 after 2 weeks. Sell Infamous on ebay. $20 lost. Back to huge bang for your buck game Titanfall.
we already knew it's going to have a bunch of pretty particle effects
So it begins...let it all out my son, make sure not to let it all come flowing out at one time. Make it last.
let what out?
You vaguely insulted the game, you're butthurt!!
No but I agree, particle effects and the lighting on the particles are great, but the Gamespot Now Playing footage from the other day was pretty unimpressive. Everything looks really murky and there's this weird fog everywhere, draw distance didn't seem to hot either. Will wait to see some high quality day time footage before properly judging it though it could just be the time of day.
hmmm it seems gameplay and control is the exact same thing as we saw in infamous 1 and 2.
Now we just need to hope the world isn't completely limited like those two games were because this is whats important, we knew graphics would increase but the issue with infamous 1 and 2 is that every enemy was just a copy and paste of the other as were the npcs and it was just running around a bunch of buildings without being able to enter any of them.
it's already been revealed that damage in the game all explosions destruction is permanent the entire time you play the game, and everything you see in the world is accessible, I.E. if you see it in the background you can actually go there. No fake card board back drops of buildings that don't exist like in most games or current gen open world games like Dead Raising 3.
Those two factors are pretty exciting considering they scaled the entire city of Seattle.
So everything you see here is reachable.
knowing how you lemmings love to create standards for PS games that you don't expect from any other games however, It's clear that no PS exclusive will ever satisfy you short of it becoming a xbox exclusive. I have never seen you complain about the lack of or need for things in current gen xbox games but then again you guys have no standards for those games.
You've sung praised to Dead Raising have you not? You shouldn't come in this thread trying to suggest what a PS game need have done when the games you praise have their fair share of issues that you never breath a word about. It would be nice if we could get an unbiased and objective opinion out of you but your selective criticism kills your credibility. By being an xbox one defender you kind of bow of being one who can come in and criticize games on other systems for short comings that you think they have.
1. nothing you said touched on anything I said, carbon copy npcs and enemies which in 1 and 2 were LITERALLY just copy and paste jobs a few loose textures thrown on.
2. In 1 and 2 you could go any where...except enter pretty much no building...etc which was my point which isn't the same as something being a backdrop and not being able to go there, I went to every single land mass in Infamous 1 and 2 by using my powers and tricks *platnium trophy on both games* and I've played deadrising 3 and been just about every where in the game so I'm not seeing your point except to assume you've not played a minute of it.
3. these are not my standards these are sheen standards Infamous 1 and later on 2 sheens said would be fully interactive cities with no two npcs alike and no enemies alike, the game couldn't ever be done on the 360 because of this and this could be done because of bluray....
Simply put this is sheen backfire from last generation.
1. I didn't touch on anything you said because I have not played the game, and neither have you so all you are doing is speculating off how the past games felt to you and in dead raising 3 npcs are carbon copy npcs and brain dead enemies but amazingly, you didn't criticize DR3 for that ^_^.
2. See the fake 2d back drop of mountains in the back ground of this xbox360 graphics level picture of Dead Rising 3? Yeah, that is what I am talking about and you can't go there in the game because it's a piece of 2d card board like all the crowds in Forza 5...last gen see?
I guess it is hard for you to understand what, "everything you see in the world is accessible" means. But I know that was just your desperate attempt to damage control and defend an xbox one game which you say you don't do ^_^. next.
3. Link? I am calling your bluff son, you can't prove any of the things you are talking about. I am willing to bet my account you can't pull a single post from any known cows that said what you are saying here.
How pathetic you are, nobody said any of the things you posted, so you just made them up because you are bitter the company you worship failed to be as great as you hyped and everyone else laughed at you because of your desperate arguments. *like here*
Simply put you are a damage controlling former xbot who is still bitter you made desperate defenses that Sony fans smashed in your face. Because of your butt pains you went as far as to try to give Sony fans a new name "sheen" (how pathetic is that) that never caught on BTW--yet you still use because of how incredibly butthurt you still are.
All this because Sony fans laughed at you about of your desperate xbox 360 defenses that failed last gen? And now that you realize everything you said to defend the 360 backfired you want to take your angry man syndrome to PS4 fans and lie, desperately make up false accounts of things PS fans said and pretend that being a xbox/MS fanboy has nothing to do with it. You fool no one William.
In this fashion you try to bash every new PS4 game that comes out. That pretty much sums everything up here for you.
Nice try but your history speaks louder than your angry baby cries...I suggest you take this for your pain
hmmm it seems gameplay and control is the exact same thing as we saw in infamous 1 and 2.
Now we just need to hope the world isn't completely limited like those two games were because this is whats important, we knew graphics would increase but the issue with infamous 1 and 2 is that every enemy was just a copy and paste of the other as were the npcs and it was just running around a bunch of buildings without being able to enter any of them.
it's already been revealed that damage in the game all explosions destruction is permanent the entire time you play the game, and everything you see in the world is accessible, I.E. if you see it in the background you can actually go there. No fake card board back drops of buildings that don't exist like in most games or current gen open world games like Dead Raising 3.
Those two factors are pretty exciting considering they scaled the entire city of Seattle.
So everything you see here is reachable.
knowing how you lemmings love to create standards for PS games that you don't expect from any other games however, It's clear that no PS exclusive will ever satisfy you short of it becoming a xbox exclusive. I have never seen you complain about the lack of or need for things in current gen xbox games but then again you guys have no standards for those games.
You've sung praised to Dead Raising have you not? You shouldn't come in this thread trying to suggest what a PS game need have done when the games you praise have their fair share of issues that you never breath a word about. It would be nice if we could get an unbiased and objective opinion out of you but your selective criticism kills your credibility. By being an xbox one defender you kind of bow of being one who can come in and criticize games on other systems for short comings that you think they have.
lol someones unobservant and illiterate I don't own an xbox dOne I don't defend the xbox dOne I come here to laugh at sheen's, but lets start
LOL, how lemmings fell...they don't even support their POS consoles anymore.
I know for a fact lems are extremely jelly but will never ever admit it. Instead they will be playing Call of Duty seven months before the call of duty season. YAY.
Why jelly? Buy PS 4 and Infamous. Return PS 4 after 2 weeks. Sell Infamous on ebay. $20 lost. Back to huge bang for your buck game Titanfall.
xbox one games and weren't supposed to be a part of the topic. You see this is a PS4 exclusive game thread and PS3 has much better looking games than these xbox one games you are talking about.
Now back on topic:
Infamous Second Son
Is a true next generation game that may never be possible on xbox one. It is the topic of my thread.
*looks up at Dead Rising 3 pic* Yes, I can see how you could confuse that with a PS3 game, PS3 graphics weren't that great the first year or two so it would be easy to confuse Dead Rising 3 with an early PS3 game. But that is not what this thread is about so lets not dwell on the fact that Dead Rising 3 looks last generation compared to Infamous SS.
lets bask in the knowledge that Infamous SS is a first quarter PS4 game and has already shown us what a true next generation open wold game should look like. It took a full year before PS3 or 360 had anything even remotely impressive as this and Sucker Punch isn't exactly known a studio who produces graphically impressive games. What engine are they using, is it ground up? what about the tools do they have? Honestly no one was expecting much from Infamous SS as an open world game, but it has set a new bar and gameplay looks glorious.
OK so we have two open world games. One of them is a ps4 exclusive and looks amazing. The other is also on the Xbone and looks like crap. I think it is safe to say that it's confirmed that the Xbone is the weakest link of gaming right now and will continue dumbing down our gaming experiences for the next 10 years if we, real gamers, don't stop it. The Xboners should be ashamed of supporting such a piece of crap and forcing their low standards into everyone else. But we all know Xboners are shameless losers who will never act with some dignity.
Dude, you're stupid. DR3 doesn't look like crap. It doesn't look as good as Infamous SS, but neither did Knack or KZ:SF in my opinion. There's a lot of different things to do in DR3. Can you even drive a car in Infamous SS. Can you go into buildings and explore? Serious question. I don't know, cause I haven't played Imfamous SS yet, but I've played DR3. DR3 is great and I'm hoping Infamous SS is just as good. The only piece of crap is you and your biased fanboy comments. In every single post you make you have something negative to say about XB1. Are you that insecure about your PS4 purchase? LMAO!! You should spend more time praising your system of choice instead of bashing the competition that you've never even played. LOL!! This is why most Cows are considered hypocritical clowns of SW.
hmmm it seems gameplay and control is the exact same thing as we saw in infamous 1 and 2.
Now we just need to hope the world isn't completely limited like those two games were because this is whats important, we knew graphics would increase but the issue with infamous 1 and 2 is that every enemy was just a copy and paste of the other as were the npcs and it was just running around a bunch of buildings without being able to enter any of them.
All of these enemies were completely different from one another and there were plenty more variations than these. I'm guessing you didn't play inFAMOUS 2
Game looks like fun but it's no graphics king, there are no shadows, textures aren't exactly magnificent and it's been downgraded from the E3 preview. Bang the video right up to 1440p (more res than the game will be) and it still doesn't have the best graphics going.
What it does have is loads of particle effects and flashing lights
xbox one games and weren't supposed to be a part of the topic. You see this is a PS4 exclusive game thread and PS3 has much better looking games than these xbox one games you are talking about.
Now back on topic:
Infamous Second Son
Is a true next generation game that may never be possible on xbox one. It is the topic of my thread.
*looks up at Dead Rising 3 pic* Yes, I can see how you could confuse that with a PS3 game, PS3 graphics weren't that great the first year or two so it would be easy to confuse Dead Rising 3 with an early PS3 game. But that is not what this thread is about so lets not dwell on the fact that Dead Rising 3 looks last generation compared to Infamous SS.
lets bask in the knowledge that Infamous SS is a first quarter PS4 game and has already shown us what a true next generation open wold game should look like. It took a full year before PS3 or 360 had anything even remotely impressive as this and Sucker Punch isn't exactly known a studio who produces graphically impressive games. What engine are they using, is it ground up? what about the tools do they have? Honestly no one was expecting much from Infamous SS as an open world game, but it has set a new bar and gameplay looks glorious.
Both games more infinitely fun than Infamous:Second Flop. The games garbage stop hyping it. Looks barely better than TLOU.
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