Day 1 buy for sure! It is a great time to own an Xbox One! Forza 5 then Sunset Overdrive the Halo MC Collection... Project Spark, Dance Central, Fantasia, etc plus the ACUnity and CODAW likes... $$$$$$$$
Wtf? Who even cares about it being 1080p and 60 fps if it looks like that? I know you can press a button to switch between the classic look of the game and the redo ... hopefully this is the classic view, although I don't know why they'd bother posting them if that's the case.
OK, I did some reading up on this cuz those pics kinda baffled me. From what I can tell it looks like Halo 2 is going to be the only game in the collection to get a substantial graphical overhaul. When it comes to the first Halo you can choose between original Halo:CE and X360's Halo:CE Anniversary, both of which will be in 1080p/60. I'm assuming these pics are from original Halo and not Anniversary cuz my memory is telling me that Anniversary on 360 looked better than these pics. As far as Halo 3 and 4 go the only graphical upgrades will be 1080p and 60 fps, no redone art for those.
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