:lol: "Reign of Thunder" is the just subtitle.
what a last ditch effort for damage control...Mechassault is the franchise.
Oh look ANOTHER MECHASSAULT GAME...but it has a subtitle of "lone wolf" so it's actually not mechassault anymore!!!casharmy
"Reign of Thunder is an all new Mech IP being developed by the people who brought you the award winning MechAssault series."
STFU ... dumb
why you mad broskie? I'm just calling it how it is.
Don't know why you getting mad the previous MechAssault titles were xbox exclusive. You can act defensive like a stick is up your ass all you want but the fact of the matter is what I said is true.
Stop riding MS dic* moron, if this same game had been shown as a 360 exclusive I would have said "I have a 360 exclusive worthy of being anticipated" instead of PC but that didn't happen and you are standing up for MS doing absolutely nothing to secure this game for 360 owners.
Wow, you've tried way too hard dude. Don't be such a delusional fanboy dude.
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