With all eyes fixed on next week's GamesCom in Cologne, speculation has been at an all time high. Many publications are going out on a limb and betting the farm on news coming in from "sources". Playstation Insider, has even gone as far saying that they know everything Sony has in store for the convention. They go on to list: PSP Go price cut, PS3 Slim, New PSN, and Firmware 3.0, as all being present at the show.
As far as a PSP Go price cut, I personally have never seen product receive a price cut before it's launched in any industry, especially the video game industry. There is a possibility that Sony has been listening to the gaming public's out cry about the price, but the most you can likely expect is a downloadable-game voucher pack-in, not a price cut. It's a premium product, with a premium price.
The PS3 Slim's announcement at this point is obvious and I don't feel like beating a dead horse. I'll let the N4G crowd kill each other over this one.
The last two mentions were the ones that I found most interesting out of the entire bunch. This "New" PSN being referred to is most likely a new PSN Store, namely a PS2 Store. Firmware 3.0, rather than introducing things gamers have been waiting on like voice messaging and cross-game chat, will probably bring about the long forgotten "Backwards Compatibility" feature.
Does Sony's very recent patent of Emotion Engine emulation technology on the Cell Processor ring a bell? If not, have a look for yourself. Maybe you're a skeptic, and reading patent information isn't your thing, well in that case check out this photo from about a year ago (which everyone has forgotten about), right before the PSN Video Store was launched. It Showcases the PS2's Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty in a PSN-like store. Coincidence, highly doubt it.

Q.With all of the money they have been losing every single quarter/year since launch, why would Sony still have this technology researched and then patented? A. To USE it!
Sony is trying they're hardest to play catch-up in a race that is all but lost this generation. By adding Backwards Compatibilty, Sony instantly transforms the PS3 into the console with the most playable games on the market. I want to make it clear that this in no way is intended to start a flame war, I just want to try to piece something together with an actual basis for argument rather than using unnamed "sources". Either way, all of us will be seing the fruits of Sony's labor next week during the convention and all speculation will go to rest, so stay tuned!
posted entire article for the lazy people:D
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