@blackace said:
@John_Matherson said:
@blackace said:
@John_Matherson said:
@blackace said:
@KBFloYd said:
who did they poll?.....everyone on the internet is a stealth troll.
They polls gamers on Gamespot and GameFaq. lol!! The title is very misleading as both PS4 and XB1 gamers were both happy with their purchases. Oc course it's going to be a little high for PS4 as GS = Cows. lol!! I'm sure they were all giving 10's to their precious PS4. lol!!
GS=Cowspot when good things are happening for cows. So shut up with the damage control.
Just because SHeep and Lems vanish and go into hiding when their consoles are in a drought doesn't mean it's cowspot. It's not that cows are here too much; it's just that lems and sheep tend to hide when they know things aren't going good.
No you STFU!! GS = Cowspot when GOOD or BAD things are happening for XB1. I don't think lems and sheep are hiding anywhere. They are just going to other sites that are more neutral and have less trolling Cow kiddies talking out of their @$$es. There's nothing really to damage control here as the article says gamers who purchased both systems are happy with their purchased. Not sure how there is any fail in that. It's just easy to understand why the PS4 % is higher on this site. It's pretty obvious.
really? Wait, wtf does the article have to do with me? I don't give a shit about it at all. it's obviously stupid and the TC is also an idiot for the misleading title. I decided to help by posting the article but haven't even addressed it yet. ANd really? Cows haven't increased of fcking decreased. Lems all vanished because they couldn't face the damages MS did throughout this year, and cows didn't let them rest and rubbed it in their faces constantly. Lemming can press the fckiing create new thread button as much as cows can...they just don't have a fcking reason. How many lemmings appeared when TLOU flopped? Lems are cowards they know when to appear and when to hide. That's it. It's not fcking cowspot...if it is it's definitely not cows' fault. If cows are making titan fall sucks thread, you have just as much rights to make "Second Son looks like shit" thread. Nothing's stopping you. System wars is competitive. people scramble the web for the latest news they can use against other factions. So, since MS kept fcking up and giving nothing but bad news and attracting bad press, you're darn fucking right cows are going to post it. How much shit did we get in the early PS3 days? Why the **** are you guys now suddenly whinning like you never had your run or like you never played the Sys Wars game. **** off. At least I'm not hypocritical enough to deny when I'm being a fanboy or...an hypocrite.
Who are "you guys". lol!! Cows are just an embarrassment on SW. I understand they want to try and get back at Microsoft because the XBox 360 (and Wii) handed the PS3 a royal spanking last gen, but Cows are like wild craze rabid dogs that no longer even praise their own system or games half the time. They spend more time in Microsoft XB1 threads then they do in their own Sony PS4 threads. Most of the nonsense they are saying it complete BS or made up stories just to bash the competition. I don't remember lems, sheep or hermit ever making up so much garbage to try and trounce their competition. Then Cows have a nerve to ask where are the Sheep & Lems. They're usually playing their games or on more mature forums will actual adults that no how to debate in a reasonable manner and not act like childish kids from the Stone Age.Sure, I've come down to Cows childish levels on a few occasion to make my points, but I don't stay there. I rarely make any thread and when I do it's usually not a thread bashing something. I actually like Infamous SS and have been praising it for awhile. Surprising, there have been several cows who don't seem to like it. I still have it preordered along with The Order 1886.
Yeah you're listing all these accusations for cows and yet it seems like you're doing the exact same thing right now. Oh so now they're playign games and in more mature forums? Really? Because the last time I checked it seems all the MS bashing is all over the web and not just here. And then for one, you make statements like "because the XBox 360 (and Wii) handed the PS3 a royal spanking last gen" and in the same post called cows "wild crazy rabid"? How do you sound? What stories have cows made up? Everything posted in sys wars has links and quotes and everyone with half a brain knows their posts are insubstantial without links or proof. So you're making it up when you saw cows make up news...And wait...with the Xbox 360 not having any decent exclusive since Halo 4 and with the WiiU game drought of the past few years...what fucking game are lems and sheep playing? PS3 has had pretty decent exclusives both this year and the last so if anyone should not be posting on sys wars because they're too busy playing games it's cows...So try again. When the 360 first came out and was getting attention here and there and games here and there...why weren't lems too busy playing those games instead of all the PS3 has no games thread or PS3 is DOA thread?
It stands. Lems hide because they're cowards. They know when to sink and when to surface. It's nothing to do with Cows. I love how you're blaming cows for the fact that lems are hiding because MS kept fuckign them over...Instead of blaming MS.
Where's the idiot Lemming that said "DRM and Monitoring is the future of gaming because used games stop developers from making money"? It was either Mems or RR360D or another lembot that said it....That's just another example of lemmings doing anything but blaming MS. It's MS' fault lems are hiding not Cows.
You want to make a thread, click the fucking button and make a thread. If I see news about MS screwing lems over, I will post it on System Wars so fast it'll make google chrome crash. That's how system wars work.
And how many fcking researched and reasonable, and objective threads have I made? How many times have I created open discussions for people to talk about here that are different from the usual bashing ones.
I made the "Will lems ever get an Uncharted 2" and the "PS3 wiped the floor clean with exclusives last gen" threads...but aside from this most of my threads are usually objective and are news or discussion threads...So...try again. Lemmings are here. If Sony dropped the ball and screwed up you'll see how many lemmings are really here.
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