@hardwenzen said:
@tormentos: I love how you quote me with images that i was posting before you even fund them. You think that i am a fanboy just like you, but on the lems side lol. I exposed Infinite more than you ever will. Imagine a fanboy lemming doing that. Its the next generation of lemmings, we just bash our own system and games. You've been such a fanboy for so long (on SW alone), that you just cannot imagine someone that isn't fanboying any brands and just points out their negative in hope they improve that shit. No matter how hard you try, you cannot, at any cost, see past your Sony fanboy goggles.
Oh and btw, just because i know it triggers you, 9.2tflops is pretty underpowered for Q4 2020. Stuck with it for the next 5 years, tho. Nothing can be done about it 😥RDNA3 inside the ps5 will save the day, tho. Combine that with its SSD and even the NASA computers cannot compete.
My self thinking you are a fanboy or not is irrelevant when you just admit you listen to Phill words which is basically a corporate face who has own him self multiple times.
No what you are doing is playing pretend which you are not the first guy to do it in this place.
Well look at it this way,you still saying a bunch of shit without actually saying anything meaningful,so again why is the PS5 abysmal at $500 that is all i want to know with something that actualy make sense.
Actually the PS4 was considerably weaker in 2013 than the the PS5 is this holiday,the fun part is that most gamers on PC arfe on a 1060GTX or lower which is bellow the PS5,and the fun part is that building a 1060 PC now cost you more than the PS5 wold still,if you build a 2060RTX one even more,so soon most of those on the 1060,will move to the 2060RTX and will still pay more than we will do on PS5 while been just as behind or even more.
Well look at it this way there is a fu** ton of laptops for gaming that cost a fu** ton more than the PS5 and still just as stock as the PS5 is,but hell even on destop is not like you are getting a FREE GPU upgrade or ultra fast ssd either those things cost a pretty penny and buying a new one will surely cost you more than a PS5 once again.
You keep bringing RDNA3 as if that mean anything to me what a poor pathetic effort.
You are not a blind alt fanboy because i say so,you are so because you just dropped PC,hide on the xbox and claimed you listed to PHILL.
It wasn't me who did that it was you lemming.
Now please compose your self wipe your tears and explain to us why the PS5 is abysmal at $500 when a 5700XT is over $400 dollars now in some models alone.
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