I just watched the first trailer "Sex & Violence" for Dragon Age. I then looked it up on Wikipedia because I was confused at what I was seeing.
I didn't realize Dragon Age was suppose to be a dark fantasy with mature themes about it. Wow, I'm shocked.
Apparently lots of blood, sexual innuendo, all to a song of Marilyn Manson makes your game mature.
Okay seriously, what's happened to Bioware. They've got Star Wars: The Old Republic verging on this *love* for the Sith doing awesome-fantastic-cool Matrix moves, and now they're advertising their epic fantasy to an alt-rock track. Good one.
you realize that 90% of your posts are complaints about one game or another? Do you even like games? Or do you just like to play games so that you can find something to complain about?
Seriously, in all my time on this forum, I have only very rarely seen you post something positive about any game...
FrozenLiquid on SNK fightersand DOA
FrozenLiquid on Heavenly Sword.
FrozenLiquid on Prototype(with bonus unanimous praise!)
FrozenLiquid on Uncharted 2
FrozenLiquid on Scribblenauts
FrozenLiquid on Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
FrozenLiquid on Metal Gear Solid and Splinter Cell(including a nod for best post because I was so politically correct!)
FrozenLiquid on GT5 and Forza 3 (several nods for most enlightening post)
FrozenLiquid on Heavy Rain
FrozenLiquid on The Grudge game
FrozenLiquid on The Path
FrozenLiquid on The Force Unleashed
I can keep going for about the 410 more pages in my forum history, but I think I've made my point.
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