I have an xbox 360 and a PC and it somewhat concerns me that there are reports starting to come up of the "new" xbox 360 having heating problems and crashing via the new shutdown feature of the 360. take a look at this, found this on destructoid about 2 minutes ago
Well if this is indead true then i doubt i will buy another xbox 360, when his one dies, and it is bound to at some point as it was a replacement xbox. Evidently Microsoft fails again with hardware design. If this is jsut happening on a small scale then ok that is expected but judging by the comment that Microsoft made in that article and said nothing and completely ignored the issue then i beleive my fears are true. Good thing i didn't rush out and buy one like most people did.
I hope my 360 lasts long enough for me to at least play gears 3, i don't see any other games ont eh horizon for xbox except maybe wave your hands like an idiot games. Definitely picking up a PS3 at christmas.
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