@getyeryayasout: i have never been able to figure out why games at 30 and 60 fps take the same amount of time to play, perhaps my suite of several learning difficulties prevents me from having a grasp on the matter.
well the good news is you pretty much just need the screen. sure, a modest pc won't hit 144 in a modern game, but there's plenty of great old games which hit 144 easily. ideally the graphics card should have displayport, so should the monitor. (just my recommendation). and yeah, the displayport cable - haha, its needed! (and often forgotten). the gtx 970 is a great example of a gpu suitable for 1080p 144 fps gaming. far cry 4 on ultra sits around 80 to 100 fps, it looks absolutely sickening. but yeah, if there were specific games one thought they were gonna play at 144, i'd recommend checking them on pc gaming wiki - even games like quake 4 won't go beyond 60. weird eh?
toxikk is awesome man. really fun, and enough people are playing. she's only young though, and comes with just one level. but still, i'm on the edge of my seat the whole time i'm playing.
is waking mars good? hope all is well me old china.
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