[QUOTE="mcxps3"][QUOTE="mikasa"] [QUOTE="gogeta242"]I see its gang up on PS3 day, as if PS3 is the only system that has games that "flops" on "GAMESPOT". But what can I say, the forums are flooded with people that has to lie to themselves and say PS3 doesn't have good games coming. aka Lemmings and SheepFearlessSpirit
Based on PS3's past performance we expect their games to continue to flop. Until they get a couple great games out...the trend will hold.
Alright everyone here is a darn moron especially all the 360 fans.
1) The Ps2 has the most sales then the Ds then the psp then the 360 then the Wii tehn the ps3. It doesnt matter which gen the system is in sales are sale and the 360 is not on top.
Not relevant.
2) sony announced that Resistance sold2 million copies worldwide making it the fastest selling game Insomniac ever made.
3) Flop is associated with poor sales not score.
System Wars. Flop means hype vs score. Resistance was hyped AAA it scored AA. Flop.
4) No 360 fan has a good case becuz their system is still being outsold by the same console that outsold the predecessor.
The PS2 is much cheaper and has craploads more games available making it a more valid choice for casuals. This is no suprise. The PSOne outsold the PS2 in the beginning. Your point?
5) Sony has 15 of their own produced titles coming exclusively to the sp3 the expectations that they will all flop is ludacris
6) I hope u all know that there is no chance in hell the 360 will be the dominant console this gen.
You do realize no chance means 0%? Simply not true.
7) THe head of Microsof t himself said he doesnt think 360 sales will go farther than the original xbox.
8) Microsfots gameplan is 2 fold Hype the hell out of all our games 2 buy up all the ps2 exclusives and take credit for their greatness.
9) Microsoft gamedivision never has posted aprofit and if that trend continues they newver will.
Yes it did. November/December 2006. The release of Gears of War was profitable for Microsoft. Also, H3 is coming out this September. Followed by GTAIV. And to push the pace, Mass Effect, Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon etc. etc. can be ways to pursuade more people buying the console. Mark my words, around H3's release, MS will have a profitable month again.
Yeah they posted a profit before thats why just like 2 weeks ago there was an article on Gamespot saying an Analyst predicts that teh buissiness from Halo3 releas wil bring them Theri 1st profitable quarter right. maybe that analyst doesnt know what 1st means or something. did u even read all the posts before then u would see the relevance in all these points. Agian where Peter Moore said he doesnt think the 360 will sell better thatn the original Xbox was from an article on Gamespot where they said they were going to try to be more kidfreindly.
Yeha Microfsoft will be real profitable because they pay for all thier exclusive pay for exclusive conten and flaunt so much cash around all this fall becuz ppl will automatically opt to buy a 360 over the ds / psp/ ps2/wii/and sp3 right. PLus since the Zune is part of the games division its a good thing the Zune is selling so greatly right. Oh not too mention they lose money on every console yeah they are going to be very profitable.
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