I mean they rehash after rehash and they still get 10/10's?Ultizer
Games get scores like that due to their own merit. If you don't agree then play the game and write your own review. People should also note that many Nintendo games are different enough to warrant new IPs. They just stick old familiar characters on to it (Kid Icarus: Uprising, Kirby Epic Yarn, Metroid Prime, etc.) Nintendo does have new IPs, it's just that people don't give them any attention like Zelda gets or just completely ignores them.
all their games on the wii so far have had
Bad graphics, CheckUltzer
They chose to have weaker graphics this gen after having better graphics than Sony the previous two gens because they realised the limitations of graphics as a system seller.
No online (or broken laggy online), checkUltzer
They don't have a broken online they have an annoying online built for kids
Same story or no story, CheckUltzer
Games like Mario and Kirby don't need stories. If you want a story go check out their other IPs that everyone is ignoring like Xenoblade.
and look at Gamefreak, Pokemon games have gotten worse and worse after Pokemon Crystal, The designs on the 5th gen pokemon are just awful, yet they are still praisedUltzer
The designs differ because new teams of artist are hired for every gen. The original team was small and drew up the first two generation of Pokémon and now all they do is give the okay for a design. More people means more different styles and generation 5 has the biggest team to date. But gen 1 had some weird Pokémon as well: like slime with eyes, a floating ball of gas, a three headed bird, a floating magnet with an eyeball, real fish, etc.
Sigh.. NostalgiaUltzer
I agree
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