Looking at the top selling games for the Wii, Wii fit, Wii Sports etc, we could argue that they are where they are today by making shovelware. While they have made a few great games this gen, they are few and far between.
But Wii sports and Wii fit are not shovelware at all, they are high quality, polished and most importantly fun games.
Didn't Wii Fit get a 7.0?Shallow, dissapointing, problematic assessement?Not exactly polished if you ask me.
And Wii sports isn't even worth money, that's why its free with the console. Theres four games which are more like minigames and that's all you get.
These games did exactly what they set out to do and they did them well. They are notperfect by any means, but they are far from shovelware. Wii Fit, Wii Fit Plus andWii Sports Resort all have averagescores of over 80on gamerankings.They are casual and non-gamer based games, no doubt, but that doesn't say anything about their quality. I'm well aware that these games don't interest many people here (including myself), but that's irrelevant. I have absolutely no interest in playing a Halo game, but does that mean it's shovelware? No, that's ridiculous.
The closest thing Nintendo has put out that's close to shovelware this generation is WiiPlay, but even that is a remote packed in with a 10 dollar minigame collection.
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