Super Mario Maker web portal. That sounds great. Filtering options.
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More dumb ass amiibo shit,
Shut your filthy mouth.
They can sell you happy meal toys just fine without locking content behind them
Now here's 72 colors of yoshi amiibo for you to buy :P
WiiU + 3DS are the consoles to own for Zelda fans.
Is there another choice?
By that I mean they can get most, if not all, Zelda games on those two consoles (aka, no need to keep and/or buy previous hardware to play them).
Soooo Wii U gets Cloud in Smash, while everything else gets the FF7 remake? hahahaha
Lol damn.
Cloud? FFVII has never even been on a nintendo console...
No, but Cloud was "playable" in Theatrhythym: FF for 3DS
Soooo Wii U gets Cloud in Smash, while everything else gets the FF7 remake? hahahaha
'Everyone else?'
Cloud? FFVII has never even been on a nintendo console...
Cloud? FFVII has never even been on a nintendo console...
Might as well put Goku in there too then since super smash is becoming mugen. I know I'd rather play as him.
So fire emblem fates, regular game is $40, DLC second path is $20, then DLC third path is how much? The special edition is $80, which means that if the third path is $20, getting all 3 individually is the same price as the special edition, minus the artbook and pouch thing (plus not having a single cartridge to store everything).
Also if it's all on one cartridge then that suggests this could be kind of a cash grab to require the cost of 2 games to get the full story, since they didn't need to split up to cartridge memory limitations à la Golden Sun back in the day.
Also the Special edition is already unavailable on Amazon, darn.
Fantastic presentation. The Dragon Quest 7 and 8 announcements will make fans of that franchise VERY happy.
Bravely Default 2 looks like its worth watching. After the second half of the first one I'm wary of buying it.
Female link is something I've wanted for years in a Zelda game. Will be buying Hyrule Warriors + all the DLC on Wii U the day she is available.
Getting the Fire Emblem: Fates Special Edition because I'm a Fire Emblem fanboy.
Buying Twilight Princess HD because I haven't touched that or Skyward Sword yet. Just please improve the pacing, I really don't want a few hour tutorial when I've played 7 Zelda games.
Final Fantasy: Totally Not Monster Hunter looks like it could be a cool co-op game.
Cloud Strife in Smash makes no fucking sense. Final Fantasy VII shattered the relationship between Nintendo and Square, why would you not use 6? Terra, Locke, or Kefka would all work.
Cloud Strife in Smash makes no fucking sense. Final Fantasy VII shattered the relationship between Nintendo and Square, why would you not use 6? Terra, Locke, or Kefka would all work.
Because FF7 remake is coming to NX mark my words.
Cloud? FFVII has never even been on a nintendo console...
Who cares? Cloud is the most well known Final Fantasy character than the rest of others, so it makes sense to add on your most name recognized character. Also, this may hint for FF7 Remake on the NX
Cloud Strife in Smash makes no fucking sense. Final Fantasy VII shattered the relationship between Nintendo and Square, why would you not use 6? Terra, Locke, or Kefka would all work.
As much as I love FF VI over VII, Cloud is the most well known FF character than the cast of VI. So why put some unknown FF characters that not a lot of people heard of in the roster? It's a business move by SE no doubt.
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