@j2zon2591: It could still work as a second screen for N3DS and 3DS games though. Gamepad would handle the more graphical games. If you want to play handheld games on your TV youll most likely want a touch screen.
Them trying to make NX affordable would be why they would need to support older controllers and touch devices to help lower that cost.
Like reverse remote play you mean? Handheld beaming onto console then to TV?
I guess it depends. If they're building around N3DS maybe but 3DS might be a no go since it doesn't have enough inputs and could limit games. Assigning tons of virtual buttons might be a hassle as well for the regular 3DS if they allow that.
If you mean the NX home console being able to use Wii U gamepad and Wii U Pro controllers then that could be nice.
Come to think of it.. weren't the VITA and PS3/PS4 doing some second screen functions for a few games?
Sorry. I'm kinda getting confused on what you exactly mean.
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