Kids would want the Wii:U and parents will force to buy them.
Gamers that have the nostalgic factor would want to relive and play as Zelda and Mario again.
Wii:U will sell, but not like the Wii.
It does not DESERVE to sell.
The developers and indie developers who work hard to produce great games and ones that move the industry deserve the credit.
Nintendo is like taking a candy from a baby.
And Nintendo does not produce great games as well, or had platforms like the DS that cater to third-party developers? While I agree that Nintendo needs to step up in several aspects, I would say making a controller like the Wii U tablet is taking a huge risk. Let's be honest, Nintendo could have easily taken the approach of making a system that blew the 360 and PS3 out of the water in terms of power, had a controller that was like the 360 pad, and copied Xbox Live and people would complain that its not original enough.
People may not like the direction Nintendo is taking, but the Wii U tablet is a huge risk. But if successful, it may force Sony and Microsoft's hands and convince them to offer a tablet controller with their next-gen systems as well. Graphics will eventually hit a wall in how far you can take them, and the other features of modern systems are at their limits in terms of innovation.
But yet, somehow, people think Nintendo does not deserve any credit if the Wii U tablet pushes the other two hardware makers to go past the controller design that has been in place with the SNES. I'll agree with the mindset that the Wii Remote was gimmicky, but the Tablet controller offers some real potential that could enhance games further.
So far, people have only focused on the graphics on the Wii U and dismissed the tablet controller as being nothing more then a gimmick. But let's look at the larger picture for a second. If the Wii U is successful and developers embrace ther tablet, we could see a change in how games are developed and something that could truly enhance how people play games. Do graphics and things like that matter? Yes, but their a limit on how realistic you can make clothing or water work.
With the Tablet, you will see gaming enter a new era where the gameplay goes beyond a TV screen. The Wii U tablet is the first of its kind on a game system. But if successful, Microsoft and Sony will have the incentive to develop their own versions that refine the idea that Nintendo started.
And here's the thing, if the Wii U tablet replaces or supplements the current controller and changes how people play games, then dones't Nintendo deserve the credit? Nintendo is taking a huge risk, but if successful, they could create a new wave of innovation in newer systems that goes beyond simply making things look better.
Way too much time wasted on a goddyX post man. I'm certain the guy hasn't even touched a Nintendo platform or game since the N64.
My comments aren't only directed at him, but to many people who are calling the tablet controller a gimmick. I can understand people who don't want to see gaming move past the current controllers or not liking the Wii U's horsepower due to not being a huge jump over the PS3 or 360(from what we've seen so far)
But people seem to be dismissing the tablet controller far too easily. This is not like the Wiimote where it could be dismissed as a wagglefest. From all looks, the Wii U tablet has all the buttons found on modern controllers along with a screen that opens up new possibilities. Its rather annoying to see "hardcore" games dismiss it as something for casuals or a cheap gimmick that Nintendo is shoving down our throats. Thing is, this opens up a new avenue for games and if successful, has the potential to enhance games beyond what the current controllers offer.
I just hope people would stop and think about this for a second. Its one thing to attack the Wii U over potential third-party support, rehashes of Mario games, and the graphics. But to call the tablet a gimmick without stopping to consider how it could move gaming forward, is very shor-sighted in my opinion.
So, my comments are not directed at just him. They are directed at people who are beating the drums of this being a gimmick.
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