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So why did you not buy Super Paper Mario?foxhound_fox
Because it didn't look as good as thousand year door. I thoroughly enjoyed TYD, but after the DS "New Super Mario Bros." left a bad taste for nintendo-platformer-cashins, I've decided not to depend on something similar that takes a classic idea and mixes it up.
[QUOTE="justdog11"][QUOTE="nyoroism"]The fact that you didn't even buy Super Paper Mario shows that you're the one causing your own personal drought.nyoroism
So it's a drought without the next Mario title?
It's a drought for you when you don't buy any games.I'm not buying any games!
Why don't I have any games to play?!?! :cry:
nyoroism hit the nail smack dab in the middle of the head.
So, you only buy the big name, top-tier franchise games? No wonder you're experiencing a drought.
Me? I've been having fun with Trauma Center, Elebits, Sonic, and soon I'll be picking up Heatseeker.
And then there's SSX Blur, Godfather, and others I didn't pick up.
There are games, and good ones at that. Quit limiting yourself or shut up.
[QUOTE="justdog11"][QUOTE="nyoroism"]The fact that you didn't even buy Super Paper Mario shows that you're the one causing your own personal drought.nyoroism
So it's a drought without the next Mario title?
It's a drought for you when you don't buy any games.So you're implying that super paper mario is the only game considerable? What other game besides SPM in recent times or the near future for Wii can appropriate as an alternative.
[QUOTE="foxhound_fox"]So why did you not buy Super Paper Mario?justdog11
Because it didn't look as good as thousand year door. I thoroughly enjoyed TYD, but after the DS "New Super Mario Bros." left a bad taste for nintendo-platformer-cashins, I've decided not to depend on something similar that takes a classic idea and mixes it up.
That's exactly why I hesitated to buy it. Once I started playing it - I was slapping myself for ever thinking that. It's actually on the same level if not better than TTYD.[QUOTE="nyoroism"][QUOTE="justdog11"][QUOTE="nyoroism"]The fact that you didn't even buy Super Paper Mario shows that you're the one causing your own personal drought.justdog11
So it's a drought without the next Mario title?
It's a drought for you when you don't buy any games.So you're implying that super paper mario is the only game considerable? What other game besides SPM in recent times or the near future for Wii can appropriate as an alternative.
Brain Training comes out sometime this month or next month. Mario Party 8, Pokemon Battle Revolution and Super Mario Strikers are all June if I'm not mistaken.Wow. Everyone's reaction is "not buying any games?" my question to you is: "Besides spm, what game in recent months or the near future is worth the 50 bucks?"justdog11
[QUOTE="justdog11"][QUOTE="nyoroism"][QUOTE="justdog11"][QUOTE="nyoroism"]The fact that you didn't even buy Super Paper Mario shows that you're the one causing your own personal drought.nyoroism
So it's a drought without the next Mario title?
It's a drought for you when you don't buy any games.So you're implying that super paper mario is the only game considerable? What other game besides SPM in recent times or the near future for Wii can appropriate as an alternative.
Brain Training comes out sometime this month or next month. Mario Party 8, Pokemon Battle Revolution and Super Mario Strikers are all June if I'm not mistaken.I don't usually have friends over my house, so mario party 8 is out of the question. Pokemon Battle revolution is considerable because I am LOVING pokemon pearl for the ds right now, strikers for the gamecube was quickly bland.
I don't usually have friends over my house, so mario party 8 is out of the question. Pokemon Battle revolution is considerable because I am LOVING pokemon pearl for the ds right now, strikers for the gamecube was quickly bland.justdog11I'm going to say this at the risk of being corrected. I've been corrected both ways, saying it is true and it isn't, but here it goes.
E3 is in June, and Nintendo should announce some stuff there.
I don't usually have friends over my house, so mario party 8 is out of the question. Pokemon Battle revolution is considerable because I am LOVING pokemon pearl for the ds right now, strikers for the gamecube was quickly bland.
TC fooled us all: justdog11 in a finicky gamer's drought?
So we got Zelda (got bored some ways through). We got Super Paper Mario (Didn't even buy it-- one game in months cannot satisfy all wii owners). What's coming up in the near future? What besides super paper Mario is in the now? Where is the good games? I spent 250$ for a Wii and it's left in my travel bag untouched due to nothing to play on it. We thought Nintendo's new strategies would fix the problems they had with N64 and gamecube... but this is looking like Nintendo is ready to give us the same old droughts we've known. I don't know if I want to wait until the next franchise release to play something good.justdog11
My thoughts exactly about the Wii. I personally would love to get one but the lack of games ldoes not give me a reason to get one. Yeah, in the future there will be Metroid and Brawl, but beyond that...There isn't really anything.
[QUOTE="justdog11"]So we got Zelda (got bored some ways through). We got Super Paper Mario (Didn't even buy it-- one game in months cannot satisfy all wii owners). What's coming up in the near future? What besides super paper Mario is in the now? Where is the good games? I spent 250$ for a Wii and it's left in my travel bag untouched due to nothing to play on it. We thought Nintendo's new strategies would fix the problems they had with N64 and gamecube... but this is looking like Nintendo is ready to give us the same old droughts we've known. I don't know if I want to wait until the next franchise release to play something good.comthitnuong
My thoughts exactly about the Wii. I personally would love to get one but the lack of games ldoes not give me a reason to get one. Yeah, in the future there will be Metroid and Brawl, but beyond that...There isn't really anything.
There really isn't anything if you don't try the games out. At the very least a person should rent some games to see how they are if the are uncertain about it. I know I would have missed out on many games if I didn't rent them.[QUOTE="justdog11"]I don't usually have friends over my house, so mario party 8 is out of the question. Pokemon Battle revolution is considerable because I am LOVING pokemon pearl for the ds right now, strikers for the gamecube was quickly bland.nyoroismI'm going to say this at the risk of being corrected. I've been corrected both ways, saying it is true and it isn't, but here it goes.
E3 is in June, and Nintendo should announce some stuff there.
*beats nyoroism with an ugly stick* PS: I don't know when E3 is either :P[QUOTE="justdog11"]Wow. Everyone's reaction is "not buying any games?" my question to you is: "Besides spm, what game in recent months or the near future is worth the 50 bucks?"General_XHave you tried Trauma Center, Wario Ware, Excite Truck, Rayman RR, and/or Sonic SR? Warioware was my first game... it's story mdoe lasted about 15 minutes and the rest was mundane redo's and minigames.
[QUOTE="General_X"][QUOTE="justdog11"]Wow. Everyone's reaction is "not buying any games?" my question to you is: "Besides spm, what game in recent months or the near future is worth the 50 bucks?"justdog11Have you tried Trauma Center, Wario Ware, Excite Truck, Rayman RR, and/or Sonic SR? Warioware was my first game... it's story mdoe lasted about 15 minutes and the rest was mundane redo's and minigames.
so you missed the bit where Ninty said they were developing 45 software titles for the wii.
I think what he's really trying to say is that in his opinion, which I agree with by the way, most of the games out for Wii or indeed coming soon are complete trash for anyone but casuals/newbs/non gamers/easily satisfied gamers etc [note: those are my own categroies for the people that are actually satisfied with the current Wii lineup]. So, if you don't consider yourself one of those people, and honestly take a good look at the Wii's upcoming titles, it really does seem like there is a bit of a drought in quality and purchase-worthy titles. Very much like the GC situation in fact which he also mentioned (I wouldn't say it was as big a deal with the N64 since the few great titles it did have were trully great and they covered many genres including FPS, platform, action RPG, racing etc).
If you are happy with sub-par rehashes of old GC titles, Playstation 2/PSP games with Wiimote controls tacked on, or 3rd party "exclusives" that are so bad they should never have been released, then I think the Wii is doing pretty well, and I suspect many casuals will be happy with just that.
For the rest of us "real" gamers however the majority of the Wii's library of titles is currently a pile of ****!
How soon?I think what he's really trying to say is that in his opinion, which I agree with by the way, is that most of the games out for Wii or indeed coming soon
SMG and SSBB by end of summer/early fall.
Now, I don't expect both even thought that's the purported time. But, I *do* expect at least one in that timeframe.
Either of those... should be completely awesome.
You were going along nicely till you used the "real" gamers arument... seriously. That tactic is just faulty and doesn't work when trying to use a reasonable debate. I'd say nothing makes someone a "real" gamer over the other, becuase there are so many different types of gamers.I think what he's really trying to say is that in his opinion, which I agree with by the way, is that most of the games out for Wii or indeed coming soon are complete trash for anyone but newbs/non gamers/easily satisfied gamers etc [note: those are my own categroies for the people that the current Wii lineup would appeal to]. So, if you don't consider yourself one of those, and look at the Wii's upcoming titles, it really does seem like there is a bit of a drought in quality and purchase worthy titles. Very much like the GC which he also mentioned.
If you are happy with sub-par rehashes of old GC titles, Playstation 2/PSP games with Wiimote controls tacked on, or 3rd party "exclusives" that are so bad they should never have been released, then I think the Wii is doing pretty well, and I suspect many casuals will be happy with just that.
For the rest of us "real" gamers however the majority of the Wii's library of titles is currently a pile of ****!
I think what he's really trying to say is that in his opinion, which I agree with by the way, is that most of the games out for Wii or indeed coming soon are complete trash for anyone but newbs/non gamers/easily satisfied gamers etc [note: those are my own categroies for the people that the current Wii lineup would appeal to]. So, if you don't consider yourself one of those, and look at the Wii's upcoming titles, it really does seem like there is a bit of a drought in quality and purchase worthy titles. Very much like the GC which he also mentioned.
If you are happy with sub-par rehashes of old GC titles, Playstation 2/PSP games with Wiimote controls tacked on, or 3rd party "exclusives" that are so bad they should never have been released, then I think the Wii is doing pretty well, and I suspect many casuals will be happy with just that.
For the rest of us "real" gamers however the majority of the Wii's library of titles is currently a pile of ****!
You're better than other people because they don't share your preferences?
P.S. I love the circular logic here. Wii games only appeal to "newbs/non gamers/easily satisfied gamers" because you've defined "newbs/non gamers/easily satisfied gamers" as anyone to whom Wii games would appeal. Wii games aren't enough for "real gamers" because you've defined "real gamers" as those for whom the Wii games aren't enough.
X = Y because Y is defined as being equal to X. You've said nothing substantive.
[QUOTE="freeload"]I think what he's really trying to say is that in his opinion, which I agree with by the way, is that most of the games out for Wii or indeed coming soon are complete trash for anyone but newbs/non gamers/easily satisfied gamers etc [note: those are my own categroies for the people that the current Wii lineup would appeal to]. So, if you don't consider yourself one of those, and look at the Wii's upcoming titles, it really does seem like there is a bit of a drought in quality and purchase worthy titles. Very much like the GC which he also mentioned.
If you are happy with sub-par rehashes of old GC titles, Playstation 2/PSP games with Wiimote controls tacked on, or 3rd party "exclusives" that are so bad they should never have been released, then I think the Wii is doing pretty well, and I suspect many casuals will be happy with just that.
For the rest of us "real" gamers however the majority of the Wii's library of titles is currently a pile of ****!
You're better than other people because they don't share your preferences?
He's acting that way it seems.
Sadly, some people are blinded by there own opinions that they don't realize others have opinions too.
I really do feel sorry for people that bought a Wii. there is nothing good about the console other than it being cheap but still expensive because its a $250 Gamecube. Nintendo consoles are well known for their drought.xxThyLordxx
I see. Trying to ryle up some sheep eh?
You're pretty good :wink:
[QUOTE="General_X"][QUOTE="justdog11"]Wow. Everyone's reaction is "not buying any games?" my question to you is: "Besides spm, what game in recent months or the near future is worth the 50 bucks?"justdog11Have you tried Trauma Center, Wario Ware, Excite Truck, Rayman RR, and/or Sonic SR? Warioware was my first game... it's story mdoe lasted about 15 minutes and the rest was mundane redo's and minigames.You don't own a Wii.
[QUOTE="freeload"]You were going along nicely till you used the "real" gamers arument... seriously. That tactic is just faulty and doesn't work when trying to use a reasonable debate. I'd say nothing makes someone a "real" gamer over the other, becuase there are so many different types of gamers.I think what he's really trying to say is that in his opinion, which I agree with by the way, is that most of the games out for Wii or indeed coming soon are complete trash for anyone but newbs/casuals/easily satisfied gamers etc [note: those are my own categroies for the people that the current Wii lineup would appeal to]. So, if you don't consider yourself one of those, and look at the Wii's upcoming titles, it really does seem like there is a bit of a drought in quality and purchase worthy titles. Very much like the GC which he also mentioned.
If you are happy with sub-par rehashes of old GC titles, Playstation 2/PSP games with Wiimote controls tacked on, or 3rd party "exclusives" that are so bad they should never have been released, then I think the Wii is doing pretty well, and I suspect many casuals will be happy with just that.
For the rest of us "real" gamers however the majority of the Wii's library of titles is currently a pile of ****!
Ok. Fixed. ;)
I think what he's really trying to say is that in his opinion, which I agree with by the way, most of the games out for Wii or indeed coming soon are complete trash for anyone but casuals/newbs/non gamers/easily satisfied gamers etc [note: those are my own categroies for the people that are actually satisfied with the current Wii lineup]. So, if you don't consider yourself one of those people, and honestly take a good look at the Wii's upcoming titles, it really does seem like there is a bit of a drought in quality and purchase-worthy titles. Very much like the GC situation in fact which he also mentioned (I wouldn't say it was as big a deal with the N64 since the few great titles it did have were trully great and they covered many genres including FPS, platform, action RPG, racing etc).
If you are happy with sub-par rehashes of old GC titles, Playstation 2/PSP games with Wiimote controls tacked on, or 3rd party "exclusives" that are so bad they should never have been released, then I think the Wii is doing pretty well, and I suspect many casuals will be happy with just that.
For the rest of us gamers however the majority of the Wii's library of titles is currently a pile of ****!
[QUOTE="justdog11"][QUOTE="General_X"][QUOTE="justdog11"]Wow. Everyone's reaction is "not buying any games?" my question to you is: "Besides spm, what game in recent months or the near future is worth the 50 bucks?"karicha9Have you tried Trauma Center, Wario Ware, Excite Truck, Rayman RR, and/or Sonic SR? Warioware was my first game... it's story mdoe lasted about 15 minutes and the rest was mundane redo's and minigames.You don't own a Wii.
You got proof he doesn't?
I really do feel sorry for people that bought a Wii. there is nothing good about the console other than it being cheap but still expensive because its a $250 Gamecube. Nintendo consoles are well known for their drought.xxThyLordxxIt's sad you feel sorry for people you don't know based on the decisions they make that have trivial influences on their personality or function of life in general. Judging one based on their life decisions they feel pleased with or not is sad... but human nature as well... C'est la vie...
[QUOTE="xxThyLordxx"]I really do feel sorry for people that bought a Wii. there is nothing good about the console other than it being cheap but still expensive because its a $250 Gamecube. Nintendo consoles are well known for their drought.yoshi_64It's sad you feel sorry for people you don't know based on the decisions they make that have trivial influences on their personality or function of life in general. Judging one based on their life decisions they feel pleased with or not is sad... but human nature as well... C'est la vie...
Way to fall prey to trolling :|
Andl of course totally opinionated thanks to "I think..." starting off the whole statment. :DOk. Fixed. ;)
I think what he's really trying to say is that in his opinion, which I agree with by the way, most of the games out for Wii or indeed coming soon are complete trash for anyone but casuals/newbs/non gamers/easily satisfied gamers etc [note: those are my own categroies for the people that are actually satisfied with the current Wii lineup]. So, if you don't consider yourself one of those people, and honestly take a good look at the Wii's upcoming titles, it really does seem like there is a bit of a drought in quality and purchase-worthy titles. Very much like the GC situation in fact which he also mentioned (I wouldn't say it was as big a deal with the N64 since the few great titles it did have were trully great and they covered many genres including FPS, platform, action RPG, racing etc).
If you are happy with sub-par rehashes of old GC titles, Playstation 2/PSP games with Wiimote controls tacked on, or 3rd party "exclusives" that are so bad they should never have been released, then I think the Wii is doing pretty well, and I suspect many casuals will be happy with just that.
For the rest of us gamers however the majority of the Wii's library of titles is currently a pile of ****!
Ok. Fixed. ;)
I think what he's really trying to say is that in his opinion, which I agree with by the way, most of the games out for Wii or indeed coming soon are complete trash for anyone but casuals/newbs/non gamers/easily satisfied gamers etc [note: those are my own categroies for the people that are actually satisfied with the current Wii lineup]. So, if you don't consider yourself one of those people, and honestly take a good look at the Wii's upcoming titles, it really does seem like there is a bit of a drought in quality and purchase-worthy titles. Very much like the GC situation in fact which he also mentioned (I wouldn't say it was as big a deal with the N64 since the few great titles it did have were trully great and they covered many genres including FPS, platform, action RPG, racing etc).
If you are happy with sub-par rehashes of old GC titles, Playstation 2/PSP games with Wiimote controls tacked on, or 3rd party "exclusives" that are so bad they should never have been released, then I think the Wii is doing pretty well, and I suspect many casuals will be happy with just that.
For the rest of us gamers however the majority of the Wii's library of titles is currently a pile of ****!
That's no better. I don't consider myself a "casual/newb/non gamer/easily satisfied gamer", but you clearly consider me such because of my preferences. And who are you speaking for when you say "us"? Are you a plurality in and of yourself?
Have you tried Trauma Center, Wario Ware, Excite Truck, Rayman RR, and/or Sonic SR? Warioware was my first game... it's story mdoe lasted about 15 minutes and the rest was mundane redo's and minigames.You don't own a Wii.[QUOTE="karicha9"][QUOTE="justdog11"][QUOTE="General_X"][QUOTE="justdog11"]Wow. Everyone's reaction is "not buying any games?" my question to you is: "Besides spm, what game in recent months or the near future is worth the 50 bucks?"Sonick54
You got proof he doesn't?
Besides the fact that Warioware single player lasts longer than 15 minutes?Besides the indication that any reasonable person doesn't buy a console if they don't like the games for it?
Nope. Just a hunch based on the plethora of bashers that have used this same tactic.
It's sad you feel sorry for people you don't know based on the decisions they make that have trivial influences on their personality or function of life in general. Judging one based on their life decisions they feel pleased with or not is sad... but human nature as well... C'est la vie...[QUOTE="yoshi_64"][QUOTE="xxThyLordxx"]I really do feel sorry for people that bought a Wii. there is nothing good about the console other than it being cheap but still expensive because its a $250 Gamecube. Nintendo consoles are well known for their drought.Sonick54
Way to fall prety to trolling :|
Fall prey? Meh... it's not like this thread will go further... besides I think he won't respond..[QUOTE="freeload"]Andl of course totally opinionated thanks to "I think..." starting off the whole statment. :DOk. Fixed. ;)
I think what he's really trying to say is that in his opinion, which I agree with by the way, most of the games out for Wii or indeed coming soon are complete trash for anyone but casuals/newbs/non gamers/easily satisfied gamers etc [note: those are my own categroies for the people that are actually satisfied with the current Wii lineup]. So, if you don't consider yourself one of those people, and honestly take a good look at the Wii's upcoming titles, it really does seem like there is a bit of a drought in quality and purchase-worthy titles. Very much like the GC situation in fact which he also mentioned (I wouldn't say it was as big a deal with the N64 since the few great titles it did have were trully great and they covered many genres including FPS, platform, action RPG, racing etc).
If you are happy with sub-par rehashes of old GC titles, Playstation 2/PSP games with Wiimote controls tacked on, or 3rd party "exclusives" that are so bad they should never have been released, then I think the Wii is doing pretty well, and I suspect many casuals will be happy with just that.
For the rest of us gamers however the majority of the Wii's library of titles is currently a pile of ****!
Indeed. It's all subjective, but the majority of the Wii's lineup it total **** IMO! Of course that is just my opinion...
When I see a stand out game on the system (as in a game that I feel really deserves AAA), IMO, I'll let you all know so...
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