Have owned and pwned the 360 WII and PS3 over the last 4 years and Ifound myself at a loss for what was going to be my go to game this summer. Granted all 3 systems have great games out and coming out I still don't see anything thatoverly excites me other then maybe (diablo 3).
Problem Solved!
While browsing a used game store I came across a huge section of NES SNES, and GENESIS games form (.99-70$) Avg 5$
20$ for NES and GENESIS consoles
2 weeks and and 200$ later I have gathered over 40 games (FFIII,Secret of Mana,Sonic 1-3,Mario...,Streets of Rage 2, Mortal Kombat...,Mega Man, Zelda, and many many many more)
Many of my gamer friends now come to my house and pass on halo, gears , killzone 2 , MGS4, Mario Kart and go straight for the dusty game stack.
I would highly recomend to anyone who isn't already doing so to consider doing the same sooner then later too because some of the gamesI find say at like "a used book store" for 5$ like FFIII are selling at specialized stores for 50-70$
Finally please list some of the best/rare SNES and GENESIS games you played back in the day "WORKING ON MY NEXT SHOPPING LIST" 8 )
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