@jcrame10: Even as a Wii U owner, I still found lots to buy on Switch this year. I have had tons of playtime out of it with Mario Odyssey, Splatoon 2 (I didn't play the first game), Arms and Mario + Rabbids alone. The two Mario themed games are among my favorites this year. I also played the Switch version of BoTW and I think that game is excellent.
The bottom line is, you're disappointed with a system you own and don't see the value in a system you do own. Ports are a thing that happen. They happen on all launch systems. It's the fact that Switch also had interesting titles outside of the ports like Odyssey, Mario + Rabbids, Arms and the upcoming Xenbolade 2 that makes it a strong launch. Financially it was a strong year for them and software wise (Regardless of what platforms BoTW released on) it was a strong year.
Your original post is very disingenuous too. :/
I could see someone enjoying Splatoon 2 if you never played the first. Doesn't the Switch version of Zelda run worse than the Wii U. Go figure.
Most of the games were indies, ports, etc imo
disingenuous? how?
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