[QUOTE="flclempire"][QUOTE="Gamer556"] My local news had some story on E3 and all they talked about was the Wii and it's cheap, gimmicky lineup. Also, Fox News keeps running a story about E3 and all they talk about is the new Wii Sports. They don't even mention the Microsoft and Sony conferences, both of which were much better. It's unbelievable that this stuff actually sells. The Wii is the worst thing to ever happen to gaming. Ever.
You would rather Nintendo have released another 360/PS3? You want 3 identicle systems? Believe it or not some people are tired of playing the same game over and over, but with more gloss. The wii is the only system that actually involves innovation. The ps3 and 360 merely attempt to mimic the PC, and fail on every single front, except for simplicity.
While the wii has been the only innovative console, it has'nt NEARLY lived up to its potential, but it single handedly guarantees that the next gen will save console gaming. If Nintendo released a PS3/360 clone this gen the entire console gaming industry would have gone downhill continuously, and then in an attempt to revitalize the industry at least one of the companies would've made a wii-esque console the gen after this one.... And you would be here complaining, but just a few years later. The single worst thing to happen to gaming is a tie between GTA:SA and the Halo series.
That's a bunch of bull and you know it. A gimmicky controller, no matter how new it may be, does not excuse poor software. And since when has the gaming industry ever been in danger of declining? It's been steadily climbing since the NES days, without any motion sensing controllers. When gaming died out in the early 80's, it wasn't because of a lack of hardware innovation, it was because the games sucked. I guarantee you that an industry that relies on hardware gimmicks is much less stable than one that relies on a steady stream of quality software.
"A gimmicky controller, no matter how new it may be, does not excuse poor software."
Which is why I said "it has'nt NEARLY lived up to its potential".
"And since when has the gaming industry ever been in danger of declining?"
599 US dollars, 599 US dollars. The enormous price tag alone cuts the customer base in at least half, even with the price cuts. I didn't mean that the industry would collapse or anything, I meant that sales would be quite stale and nowhere near the sales amount of last gen. These crappy sales would've prompted at least 1 company to change their next gen console to be more than just a graphics showcase, don't you think?
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