It saddens me that SW has become ovverrun with self-obsessed geeks with a holier-than-thou attitude. It is not a companies duty to give you things. You are not the centre of the universe. Hardcore gamers are but a small part of the market - what Nintendo are doing is attempting to cater to both markets. Maybe they could do better, but when Sony and Microsoft are both trying to cater to hardcore markets, how DO you get the hardcore onside? Especially when Nintendo has ALREADY released a large chunk of it's hardcore titles in the firs year and a half of the Wii's lifecycle.
I admit I am a "hardcore" hamer too. I get disappointed as well. But the reason for this is because we get carried away and expect too much from companies. Companies that are here to make money. That means ALL THREE. Sony are not run by God, nor are Microsoft, nor are Nintendo.
In addition, it makes me laugh, all the hypocracy. If Nintendo magically stops making hardcore games for the rest of the Wii's lifecycle like some of you have claimed in the past two days, doesnt that mean that third parties will be able to sell their games? As SW claims after all, Nintendo fans apparently only buy Nintendo games :roll: Obviously this argument was nonsensical in the first place, because third parties are to blame for their games not selling due to lack of advertising or making shovelware, not Nintendo.
I also love how us "hardcore" gamers, along with the self-centred attitude, are such a pessimistic bunch. Every time we hear a peice of news, no matter what it is, us "hardcore" gamers have to find fault with it. Examples include WiiSpeak (Nintendo fans have been screaming about headsets for a while now, you get what you want - STILL you complain?), Dead Rising Wii (It wont be as good apparently. Yet we complain about the Wii not getting enough mature games, third party games or multiplat games? Do you want it or not?), The Conduit (A developer is trying to get the best out of the Wii's power, which we hasve been screaming for since it was released - apparently though it wont be good even though its nowhere near complete?).
Finally in all of this furore over the conference: regardless as to the purpose of the conference, there are many third party games being shown off. Maybe Nintendo has yet to show us a glut of games, but there are still games such as ToS 2, MadWorld etc. And just because Nintendo has not announced much now does not mean there is nothing on the horizon. They are obviously working on a new Zelda, which has long since been confirmed, a new Star Fox, Pikmin and others too. Maybe we are pinning too much hope on one event every year. We should be focusing on the games in development, not what has been announced at a very specific point in time. What about the other games we have to look forward to that have not been shown as E3?
Then again maybe we "hardcore" gamers deserve to be disappointed - we overhyped E3 so much its a joke.
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