[QUOTE="StryderK"] [QUOTE="Ragnarok1051"]Nintendo fanboys make threads like these just as much as Wii haters make threads about Nintendo ruining the industry. SpruceCaboose
At least with thread like this, sheep has a LEGITAMITE reason why the Wii is good for the industry, i.e. open the video game frontier to a whole new segement of the market, if said customer, even a small percentage becomes hardcore gamers, then that's win win for everyone cause it expand the market, keep it vitalized and continusly "refuel" the customer base with younger players. That is indeed GOOD for the industy!
Wii Haters argument:
Wii Teh No Have TEh Gamea-ga!!!(old consider which games are good, which are bad are solely based on opinon and tastes, not quantifable)
Wii Teh SUXXX causaga it will teH ruinda the Gama ga!!!! (ok, give us a reason why it would ruin it, something qantifiable, right now it just sounds like this argument is more, "Nintendo isn't focusing on ME, so I'll cry like a little baby until they do)
And everytime we prove them wrong and how stupid their arguments are, they move the goal post. i.e., Wii no sell the games. Wii game sells, Wii no sell third-party games, third-party games are actually selling. Wii sells no GOOD third-party games. Well, just how many good third-party games are out there? NO, NO, NO you don't understand, Wii teh SUXXX cause we said so (when they run out of arguments).
That's basically what I gathered from Wii haters in Systems War......
The market has actually, to this point, contracted compared to prior gens. Once the market expands beyond the past generations, then you would have a better argument, IMO. As of now, sales data is more pointing to a market shift than an expansion. Not saying it won't expand eventually, but it has not yet, going by empirical data.ACtually, part of the problem can be attributed to the recession. However, with the Wii is selling right now, it's full 10 months ahead of the PS2! By end of MArch this year (End of the year b Nintendo standaard), the Wii can very easily be near 50 million sold worldwide, full 8 months ahead of the PS2! So the market IS EXPANDING....Well, the casual market is, which is not surprising since the casual market has been expanding since PS1 days!!!!
What IS contracting is the hardcore market. That's because most of us hardc ore gamers grew up in the NES days and we are not getting younger! And as more of us gets married, have kids and other obligations, our video gaming habit is gonna decrease day by day. A Lot of hardcore gamers I know has either lapsed completely or slid more towards "median" gamers and casual gamers. Unless new hardcore gamers picks up the slack, this market will continue to shrink though.
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