Even if they kept shooting themselves in the feet with odd hardware decisions ever since N64, one thing that I actually have realized just recently is they have been consistently putting gameplay ahead of everything else (except for occasional gimmick or two) and they continue to do so. On the other hand, talking strictly about this gen, most Sony's high-profile exclusives this gen had been heavily reliant on presentation alone (Killzone: Shadow Fall, The Order 1886, DriveClub, Until Dawn and to a lesser extent Infamous: Second Son). To a lesser extent, Microsoft hadn't also forgot about the significance of gameplay this gen, however not nearly as much as Ninty but most of their major titles had some kind of a multiplayer component.
To reinstate: Nintendo had consistently been putting graphics ahead of gameplay and still does whereas this gen Sony does something totally opposite.
This thread is more or less about major exclusives or console exclusives, not niche downloadable games made by 3rd parties with the help of a moneyhat by the way.
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