One of the major concerns that everyone has had is how Nintendo, comprised of small development studios, plans to tackle HD development, which is resource, time and manpower intensive. Apparently, Nintendo has started a massive recruitment campaign in order to prepare for just this:
NINTENDO BEGINS LARGE RECRUITMENT CAMPAIGNNintendo Company Limited has begun a large recruitment campaign for experienced and veteran development personnel to join their Kyoto plants and Tokyo plant. The proposed increase in staff comes at no surprise considering that the company is planning to open an entirely new facility in Kyoto strictly for software and hardware development. The new facility was proposed by Satoru Iwata to not only house a greater amount of employees, but also to create an efficient synergy between them. With work demands increasing thanks to more involved hardware in the Wii U and 3DS, the company has pledged to meet the challenges head on.
The company is currently undertaking two different recruitments. One being for veteran developers that already have experience in the industry. The second being the new college graduate recruitment typically held once or twice a year. Some of the advertised openings are as follows:
Kyoto - Mid Career Recruitment
Development Department
Program Development Engineer, Web Engineer, Network Library for game development engineers, Library Support for network game engineers, Building Management System, Engineer Server, Software Engineer Wireless Communications, Embedded Software Engineer, Evaluation and Validation Software Development Engineer, Improve software quality engineer, Body embedded software development engineer, Production Engineering Development, Development Coordinator, Product Development Coordinator, Technical designer, Artwork Designer, Design 3DCG, Effects Designer, GUI Designer, Movie film production staff, Illustrator, Industrial designer, Sound Creator, Packaging Designers, Packaging design personnel (contractors), Technical Writer (contract employee)
Technology Department
Technical Support (mainly software)
Field Development Engineer
Games conformity assessment professionals (contractors)
Tokyo - Mid Career Recruitment
Development Department
Main Director or Planner, Design 3DCG, Effects Designer, GUI Designer, Programmer, and Network Application Engineer.
New College Graduates Hiring Into Nintendo
Science and Engineering
Game development program, middleware development tools, network development library, developed OS · library driver, game system architecture design, Communications Systems wireless capabilities, server systems development, enterprise network management systems, hardware (electromechanical) , Production Engineering, Procurement, other patent management
System Design
CG design, artwork design, industrial design, GUI design, design effects, video production other movies /
Sound system
Music production (Composer), production sound effects, sound programKyoto Report
The full story, with a complete list of recruitment positions, can be found here
What do you think? Can Nintendo handle the pressures of HD development?
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