I agree and disagree. Games like Super Mario Galaxy have no need for an in-depth story or 500 page novels. Story-telling with Other M though was a hit and miss and generally misses because of poor execution. SMG provided me with a feely feel that I had not felt since I first played Super Mario 64. Its charm, setting, and gameplay are simply perfect. Stories in general I'd say have not been getting better. Many of them are getting worse, and going for the movie presentation and killing gameplay (and maybe even the story itself) is what kills it for me.
I have actually, and it's one of the reasons I'm not a total Uncharted fanboy. While it's a great game, there's simply too many flaws. Gameplay is one of them and in UC3 they managed to f*ck up the aiming. I heard it was fixed in a patch, but I've yet to try it out since I only rented it. Can't wait till christmas though. :D UC's platforming is very restricted to that stupidly small linear hallway and lack of freedom. The story is charming, but it's not something I get excited or care for very much.
If I want a good story, I'd play Deus Ex Human Revolution, The Witcher 2, Starcraft 2 (despite how bad it's presentation/story was according to some,) Skyrim, and many more. I've only seen Heavy Rain but it looks incredibly dull. So very dull that I don't even want to rent it. Actual decision-based outcomes that reward you with more than just slightly different e-mails/endings is very nice though. I've never heard Miyamoto deny that video games are art. It'd be quite hypocritical since Skyward Sword and SMG are f'ing beautiful pieces. I almost never play a game for the story though. Far too many with terrible stories or story-telling just kind of killed my interest in it.
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