[QUOTE="AgentA-Mi6"] [QUOTE="thrones"]We abandoned them in the GC/N64 era. Now they're back with a mission to destroy gaming.Blackbond
I abandoned them when the GC was announced Lol... and agreed they are ruining gaming to some extent
They aren't ruining gaming at all they are only ruining themselves.
Nintendo isn't ruining themselves yet. They are in a excellent financial position right now.
I believe there is a possibility it might though, if they continue to give their more traditional and dedicated fanbase the middle finger. And all the ''non-gamers'' move on to the next new trend. Then Nintendo will loose alot of support and even the hardcore will turn their back on them. But this is all speculation. Because I doubt the hype will ever die down. I thought the iPod was just a fad. Look now with the iPhone on the market.
I agree though, they are not ruining gaming... I still have my games.
Diablo III, Fallout 3, Gears of War 2, Mirror's Edge, Rage (new anounced by ID software), Alan Wake, FFVXIII, S.T.A.L.K.E.R Clear Sky, Spore, Starcraft 2, Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War II, Portal Still Alive, Resident Evil 5. And the list goes on.
I'm just saddened today that this list could not contain the next Zelda game.
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