First with the 3ds and now the wii u, Nintendo seems to be striking out
Now let's cover what's wrong, i'll start with the 3ds
The 3ds started off on the wrong foot and just like the vita people were claiming it was dead on arival, but after a huge pricecut it seems the 3ds is back again.
but only in japan, in europe and america it's lagging behind the PS360, while the ds was well ahead off them both, the reason for this is simple, and it's not because of smartphones, it's because the 3ds lacks the same innovation the ds originally had, infact the 3ds is just a pumped up ds with 3d which is ironic because sony tried pushing 3d and it failed, so why the hell did nintendo make a handheld based off this?
Now let's look at the wii u
The wii u is everything a consumer would have wanted 6 years ago, now it's just dated, especially seeing as the PS4/720 is about to release making it obsolete to the hardcore gamer, so the only audience nintendo has left is the casuals, but i doubt they will latch onto the wii u like they did with the wii, and the reason is simple.
Back in 2006 the wii was something different, something no one has seen or played before, while the wii u is just a tablet latched onto a console.. that's all, how is that innovating! that's just taking a popular product and sticking it onto another.
So this is why Nintendo is out of touch, instead of innovating again they decided to copy everyone else and call it a day
Well done Nintendo
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