@texasgoldrush said:
@jaydan said:
@storm_of_swords said:
Banjo is definitely a good pick.
If one of the next two DLC characters is not Crash Bandicoot though then Nintendo dropped the ball especially given Crash's resurgence in popularity over the last 2 years.
At this rate I don't really mind what the last two will end up being because Banjo-Kazooie was the ultimate dream addition after so many years.
I think Crash would be a great pick, although it would not be the end of the world to me if he didn't make it. Other popular choices I hear about in the leak/speculation world seems to point towards Doom or Resident Evil making it into the game. I think they'd all be great picks.
The leak speculation world is unreliable.
The DQ Hero DLC was basically datamined and Banjo was leaked by insider information only CLOSE to his reveal. I only put stock in datamines or reliable leakers.
The "leak" that had Doomguy was disproven.
People are underestimating the Rabbids chances, for example.
I just gotta say "duh" to that one. The leak culture behind Smash Bros. should always be taken with a grain of salt and many get debunked. Fake leakers are also getting increasingly elaborate with how they construct their "evidence" to boost their believability. But with that said, for Smash fans that all have their dream fighters that they want in the game, it's still a fun way to be engaged while we wait for any official announcements.
With that said, leakers have gotten all of the fighters in the base roster before their initial announcements. Ridley, King K. Rool, Simon Belmont, Isabelle, Chrom, Ken and Incineroar were all leaked before any of their announcements. Sometimes they get them right - it just boils down to who is leaking this information, and some are more legit than others.
The Dragon Quest Hero datamine is still a leak, and it has been known for a long time, and so has Banjo-Kazooie. Banjo's odds became increasingly stronger ever since Phil Spencer started talking about Smash Bros. and his willingness to put Banjo in the game well over a year ago. It was not just a recent leak development. It was an ongoing conversation that high-ups had over Twitter that brought Banjo's odds even greater.
But like you say - despite all I have said - yes, leaks shall be taken with a grain of salt. There are plenty of fakers out there that just want attention; but also, leaks have come true depending on the people that are doing them.
Doom and Resident Evil have swirled around and I think they'd be great choices, but I can't give complete merit on either of their odds based on all the leaks I've seen (I wouldn't bet on them that's for sure). I've also heard a lot about Tekken and Ninja Gaiden reps - also good choices but I wouldn't put my money down on them. I've heard not much about Rabbids but I have certainly heard about Rayman. I feel like he would be a cool choice but unlikely since he's already a Spirit in the game. At that same rate, Super Smash Bros. has a broad history of breaking its own rules. There was a time a rule of "no 3rd-party characters" was in effect, and then Solid Snake came. Perhaps "Spirits can't be fighters" can be broken too for a character like Rayman. Or even Waluigi despite having an assist trophy. I think Nintendo is very aware at this point how bad people wanted Waluigi to be a fighter in the game, and if they can't put him in this time then he's definitely locked as a fighter now when they make the next Smash game. Chrom is definitely a rule-broken character, considering he also appears in another fighter's Final Smash.
After all my rambling here, though - I feel like Travis Touchdown can be a very notable choice and with great merits behind it too. No More Heroes games have all debuted on Nintendo hardware, and it would be great timing to have Travis in Smash when No More Heroes III is closer to launch.
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