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I agree with you.
Sports Games and Call of Duty I would say are just as Casual as Just Dance for the Wii.
Finally!!! I've been thinking this same thing for years. I don't play shooters these days because they just seem a bit too easy for me. I remember actually trying hard to stay aliveby finding extra ammo and health packs which were very hard to find. Now it's like "Need more health...hide behind a rock for a couple of seconds" or "Wanna win the game but you're in last place....shoot the guy who worked hard to get to first place to compensate for your horrible skills!!
Actually what you guys are describing as casual games are mainstreamed games. The game mechanics from MW to MW2 changed in order to make it more accessible.
Hardcore / casual is a st.yle, it's how you play games. You can play MKWii in a casual or hardcore fashion. For example, casuals don't know how to dodge POW blocks, etc.
I'm just using the term "hardcore" the way it's used yourgonna say the same thing about playstation 1/2 nes and snes then ok ,, cause it seams like the wii library is akin to ps library it hasquantity and quality mixed in you really think ps2 has over 600 good games, meh i didnt think so maybe 100-200 200is already pushing it considering ps2 hasover 2000 games snes has just about 900 , ps1-900plus nes 750 plus all the successful consoles had tons of titles with most being bargin titles this is to get people into gaming whilst all the consoles with high ratios of 8-9s , fail behind competition- n64 gamecube xbox dreamcast you name any of the 3 systems ohand psp -totally different market but still -although i cant even make out who has more good titles on handhelds it seamsits hard to judge them soya um that article is true sony knows it after all they helped them in the snesera and have helped them in court this gen microsoft even has their hands in nintendos consoles-well handhelds oh and vc-dkc series wii dsgba banjogba gbc etc so ya um , i think its safe to say nintendo is the most valuable any onewho argues that needsto look atthe 80s video game crash of allcompanys who could have jumped in and helped ,nintendo is the one that took risks that almost always pay off especally day one when the crash happened so what if nintendo decided against hd this gen that doesnt mean they aint gonnado it soon they wait ,, and see if it helps competitors just like sony and ms waited to see if wii motion gaming would succeed before they jumped in just because they compete dont mean they aint looking at eachothers backs ,Only because of sales to casual gamers.
and to the one who said,,, nintendo didnt give thefans what they wanted
-they always had the same line up everygen with slight changes
how is that not giving what the fan wants
that should please you thatyou got mario and zelda
they did not scrap those from you did they
if i remember right nintendo has even dug up punchout and sin and punishment 2d games as well
as giving us breaking edge art style in 2 mario galaxy games
i think your crazy if you want more to me your asking far too much
we recieve a game a month on average from nintendo excluding ds and wii ware if wed include those wed have ourselfs a problem of having to much to buy
can you name one year sony had a game a month
orms even
you cant because
well those games are spread by a few months each
sometimes even a yr before a sequal even comes out-pgr ,,
so ya whats the problem
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