[QUOTE="flclempire"][QUOTE="SilentNight_"]Have fun playing animal crossing, while we play Gears of War 2 :D.Great_Ragnarok
Welp, you keep telling what the magic tv box tells you to play. GeoW is about as shallow as gaming gets, yet you praise it. Seems to me that you are the casual :\
how is it shallow? It involves far more skill facing enemies and better yet facing human enemies!
[QUOTE="angelkimne"][QUOTE="Wanderer5"]We still have a good Third party lineup, plus Animal Crossing for the rest of the year.
Still overalll a terrible line-up compared to 360, Ps3 or PC.When are fanboys going to realise people have different opinions. How is it a terrible lineup, it might not have as many "blockbusters" (a.k.a shooters) coming out but it has plenty of games coming out that have potential to be brilliant, de Blob, Warioland, Samba de Amigo, Sam and Max, Animal Crossing, Deadly Creatures, Fatal Frame, Tenchu 4, Skate It, Mario Super Sluggers, Mushroom Men, Tales of Symphonia 2, Little King Story, Castlevania Judgement, Kore, Sky Crawlers, Rune Factory Final Fantasy Crystal Bearers, plus multiplats like Dead Rising,Force Unleashed, CoD5, GH:World Tour, Facebreaker, Rygar.
Telling me all those games are going to suck? I think not. (Oh and don't give me the "lol never herd of dem" speech, go look them up on wikipedia or something then...)
most of those games you mentioned sound awful and kiddish! and are those coming this year?? the topic post didn't say that Wii will never get core games. just that they haven't announced any for the rest of the year.
Deadly Creatures, Dead Rising, CoD5 and Fatal Frame are kid's games now, apparently.
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