So they have nothing coming out, nothing left to release and yet they still wont bring this game over. That's not a good sign for this game! Can't believe anyone ever hyped this. People will still defend Nintendo.
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So they have nothing coming out, nothing left to release and yet they still wont bring this game over. That's not a good sign for this game! Can't believe anyone ever hyped this. People will still defend Nintendo.
@silversix_: This is the type of game that gets hyped when you haven't got anything else. Release this on PC or a console with a future and no one notices.
Even though I can tell the game will be bad, this is pretty shitty.
If it's releasing everywhere else it should release in NA as well, NOA are just being dicks again like with the Wii RPG's.
This thread makes me want to dig out the last thread about the game where everybody claimed that it looked super fun and super awesome to compare the users who posted now and then. Too bad that I'm too lazy.
Even though I can tell the game will be bad, this is pretty shitty.
If it's releasing everywhere else it should release in NA as well, NOA are just being dicks again like with the Wii RPG's.
Well, again, I can't blame NoA on this, because Nintendo and the M rated audience NEVER caught on (bar the N64 with Perfect Dark) and this has been proven since the GAMECUBE. Bayonetta 2 selling as bad as it did only continued that (as I feared it would).
So they have nothing coming out, nothing left to release and yet they still wont bring this game over. That's not a good sign for this game! Can't believe anyone ever hyped this. People will still defend Nintendo.
It makes perfect sense if they know the game is bad. I mean even if it's good it likely would be a bad bet financially. Bayonetta 2 by all accounts was a great game, and yet it sold like hot garbage. What is the point of NoA stamping their name on a game that will likely be rubbish, and also will not sell... at all. The only stupid thing Nintendo did was ever officially "hype" this game as someting worthwhile and make it like they were "rescuing" it.
Also it's not like the game can't come to Wii-U. Although considering there are effectively no publishers of Wii-U games in North America I'm not sure who would bother.
It is coming but a different publisher is releasing. Xseed most likely. also why did itagaki go to Nintendo in the first place if they're not going to support a worldwide release?
@jg4xchamp: don't disagree about devils third, but...
There are more JP console devs than you mention, NIS
Arx system works(so)
Compile heart
Level 5
The metal gear studio (what's left of it)
Namco bandi
Trip ace
Square enix
Probably missing a bunch others
Japanese console game making isn't dead, well its not dead on PS4 , Vita, and 3ds... Anywhere else ...yeah.. But since I don't own Microsoft systems or the wiiu, its fine by me.
Looking forward to
Persona 5
Disgaea 5
Dragon quest heroes
Neir 2
Star Ocean 5
Last Guardian
Yakuza 5
Ff7 remake
Tales of zestria
Eterian odyessy 2 remake
So yeah lots of jrpgs and JP games in general for PlayStation and some for 3ds.
Xbox fans am cry :0
I feel extremely bad for the people who only game on a Wii U.
I don't imagine any such person exists.
So they have nothing coming out, nothing left to release and yet they still wont bring this game over. That's not a good sign for this game! Can't believe anyone ever hyped this. People will still defend Nintendo.
Nothing coming out?
Rodea the Sky Soldier in september. Super Mario Maker in September. Xenoblade Chronicles X in December. Star Fox Zero this fall. Yoshi Woolly World in NA this October. Fatal Frame this fall.
Played it, I'd recommend to those of you still wanting it to reconsider your positions. I'm being serious.
You mean its crapola?
It always looked bad. I just hoped beyond hope that at least the gameplay would be fun. I'm a fan of weird games with bad graphics. (Deadly Premonition.)
Oh, well, it's not like the Wii-U doesn't have a wealth of games coming out this year...oh, wait, it fucking doesn't.
Can't say I blame them since it wouldn't sell well over here.
Yep. It's been this way for ALL Nintendo M rated products ever since the GameCube.
That's probably 1 of the reasons why I got a PS2 instead.
It's unfortunate, but the game does look awfully rough. Itagaki's best days are long behind him I feel.
Looks/feels like a ps2 game...
How does it look like a PS2 game? It looks more like an Xbox 360 game.
An early one.
Even though I can tell the game will be bad, this is pretty shitty.
If it's releasing everywhere else it should release in NA as well, NOA are just being dicks again like with the Wii RPG's.
Well, again, I can't blame NoA on this, because Nintendo and the M rated audience NEVER caught on (bar the N64 with Perfect Dark) and this has been proven since the GAMECUBE. Bayonetta 2 selling as bad as it did only continued that (as I feared it would).
I don't think Nintendo really has a choice in this. They have to release this in the US. Cause look at the Wii U's Library. It needs as many exclusives it can get to justify the Wii U owners.
Even though I can tell the game will be bad, this is pretty shitty.
If it's releasing everywhere else it should release in NA as well, NOA are just being dicks again like with the Wii RPG's.
Well, again, I can't blame NoA on this, because Nintendo and the M rated audience NEVER caught on (bar the N64 with Perfect Dark) and this has been proven since the GAMECUBE. Bayonetta 2 selling as bad as it did only continued that (as I feared it would).
I don't think Nintendo really has a choice in this. They have to release this in the US. Cause look at the Wii U's Library. It needs as many exclusives it can get to justify the Wii U owners.
Siliconera: Devil’s Third Will Be Coming To The United States Via Another Publisher
So can we actually confirm how much Input or work Nintendo actually puts in these ''rescued'' games? Like Did they actually have any hand in games like Razor's Edge, W101, or Bayonetta 2? or is it simply a budget they provide?
I only ask because I can't imagine Nintendo refusing to release something, they actually had a hand in developing.
Between Razor's Edge, lost worlds, Sonic Boom, and Devil's Third. Maybe whoever money hats at Nintendo just isn't very good at it.
Looks/feels like a ps2 game...
How does it look like a PS2 game? It looks more like an Xbox 360 game.
Have not touched my Ps2 in ages, you know how memories goes, i just mean this feels like ps2 to me cuz so very dated graphic
NOA comes off as being super cheap to me. They don't take risks with releasing certain games and hardware here (new 3DS, xenoblade, ect) and seem to limit what they do release (Majoros Mask 3DS, amiibo) because they'd rather their products be sold out than run the "horrible" risk of having extra stock sitting on store shelves.
Looks/feels like a ps2 game...
How does it look like a PS2 game? It looks more like an Xbox 360 game.
Nice Metal Slug Defense gif. You play?
On topic: This has already been debunked by itagaki himself. It's still coming people.
This is fucking bullshit! Devil's third was one of the main reasons I kept my Wii U. Nintendo are a bunch of idiots. This really ticked me off.
@XboxStache: It appears that its going to be published by someone else in the west. Just not Nintendo.
@XboxStache: It appears that its going to be published by someone else in the west. Just not Nintendo.
Oh. I really feel stupid.
@Seabas989: Not sure what your point is. Those games were not good. But they weren't considered ugly.
@Bread_or_Decide: So I say there is nothing coming out and you give me a list of six games, two of which are niche, and two of which are severely underwhelming, and that's all there is. My point still stands a lot.
You'd think Nintendo wouldn't be in a position to cancel any of the few games that are actually on their way.
Oh, and I've not heard any credible "rumours" that it's getting published by someone else. It could happen, but it's not actually happened yet and finding someone to put the effort in for the Nintendo market might be difficult considering the sales of non Nintendo developed games.
This thread makes me want to dig out the last thread about the game where everybody claimed that it looked super fun and super awesome to compare the users who posted now and then. Too bad that I'm too lazy.
It still looks fun. Not very polished but fun. Shame it's not coming over.
@93BlackHawk93: That's what they said about The Conduit and they were dreaming then too! LOL
Yes, sheep were delusional when they said The Conduit looked like a 360 game but let's not get stupid about this. Devil's Third in no way looks like a PS2 game. It looks like a rough 360 game.
Was never planning on buying anyways. After what happened with Ninja Gaiden, no plans to buy any of his games on any platform.
What happened with Ninja Gaiden? Are you talking about the rubbish 3rd game?
Yes and even II soured my taste to what was my fondest memories of the NES with 1 &2 and NG and NG Black on Xbox.
Was never planning on buying anyways. After what happened with Ninja Gaiden, no plans to buy any of his games on any platform.
What happened with Ninja Gaiden? Are you talking about the rubbish 3rd game?
Yes and even II soured my taste to what was my fondest memories of the NES with 1 &2 and NG and NG Black on Xbox.
I think Itagaki didn't make NG3.
NG3 looks pretty tragic tho. I refuse to play it.
@93BlackHawk93: That's what they said about The Conduit and they were dreaming then too! LOL
Yes, sheep were delusional when they said The Conduit looked like a 360 game but let's not get stupid about this. Devil's Third in no way looks like a PS2 game. It looks like a rough 360 game.
The Conduit looked like shit with the only bright side being the controls. I remember IGN hyping that shit up (lolIGN) and remember some sheep hyping it (most of them are gone) because of IGN.
I didn't hype it nor bought it but I also think all fanboys will hype up anything. I do remember cows and lemmings hyping up shit too.
Devils Third looked unfinished and unpolished. Maybe its fun for 15 mins but that's about it.
Speaking of the Wii, I bought Red Steel 2 back in 2011. While it looked nice for a Wii game, I thought the game overall sucked. That being said there were some great 3rd party games for the Wii.
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