I’m sure we’re all familiar with Oleds by now. Just about everyone and their momma has one as it’s the latest crave in tech. The screens are so crisp and bright with color you start to wonder how you ever lived without them. But back when Oleds first came out, screen burnin was an issue for those that left the screen idle for too long without using safety features to help prevent it. Well it seems Nintendo has made an official statement on the matter to help ease your mind.
“ We've designed the OLED screen to aim for longevity as much as possible, but OLED displays can experience image retention if subjected to static visuals over a long period of time. However, users can take preventative measures to preserve the screen [by] utilizing features included in the Nintendo Switch systems by default, such as auto-brightness function to prevent the screen from getting too bright, and the auto-sleep function to go into 'auto sleep' mode after short periods of time. “
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