Listen...I didn't like Nintendo's conference any better than most of you. I'm very upset about Animal Crossing U finally being confirmed...As a bord game. Metroid finally being confirmed...As a cruddy spin off. WTF Nintendo? Why u do dis to us? You say you care about your IPs, then you just make dumb unnecessary spin off games and sell them at full price. (If they are not full price and they are cheap, such as less tha $20, I guess I can forgive them.) This is why people think your games are nothing but rehashes.
But I let this sink in for a bit. Why did Nintendo do what they did and have such an underwhelming E3 digital event? Well...Think about it. In the beginning, Nintendo said they're dedicated gaming platform, "Codename NX", will be talked about next year. (2016). So...I'd say that they are going to replace the Wii U ASAP. But not so soon that it upsets the people who just bought the Wii U.
If that is the case, then why should they come out with big games like Animal Crossing, Metroid, F-Zero, etc? Why spend millions on games for a console that is pretty much dead, sales wise? if Nintendo came out with a big Mario game, then turned around and came out with ANOTHER big Mario game on the NX soon afterwards, what would you all think? What? REHASH? Nintendo milking Mario again? Blah Blah Blah.
Was the DE disappointing? Yes. Should Nintendo of tried to outshine Sony and Microsoft's games? No. Why? If they dropped some megatons, like mre new IPs, and games like F-Zero, Kid Icarus, and a new 3D open world Earthbound, would people go out and buy a Wii U? Would the Wii U sell enough to compete with the PS4 and Xbox One? I don't think so. Therefore, in a business mindset, why should they invest so much into an E3 conference just so a bunch of nerds like all of us can go online and talk about it?
If you were Nintendo, what would you do? Place all your eggs in one old broken up basket, or place most of your better eggs in your brand new basket. The Wii U selling 2-3 million units isn't going to do a dang thing because the Wii U doesn't have 3rd party support to keep the sales going.
We are getting;
- Starfox Zero.
- Xenoblade Chronicles X.
- Fatal Frame 5.
- Fire EmblemXSMT
- Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash.
- Devils Third.
- Rodea: The Sky Soldier.
- Pokken Tournament.
- Zelda U.
And other games like;
- Skylanders: Super Chargers.
- Mighty Number 9.
- Yooka-Laylee. (2nd most hyped game of 2016 for me.)
Bloodstained. (Castlevania)
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