@bunchanumbers: See no one has ever described Xbox 360 and PS3 as testing grounds, because they got HD right from the start. They didn't need a full gen to get it right. It was a case of "these machines are in HD, and here are loads of HD games". Only Nintendo needs these excuses.
@pikachudude860 said:
But I let this sink in for a bit. Why did Nintendo do what they did and have such an underwhelming E3 digital event? Well...Think about it. In the beginning, Nintendo said they're dedicated gaming platform, "Codename NX", will be talked about next year. (2016). So...I'd say that they are going to replace the Wii U ASAP. But not so soon that it upsets the people who just bought the Wii U.
If that is the case, then why should they come out with big games like Animal Crossing, Metroid, F-Zero, etc? Why spend millions on games for a console that is pretty much dead, sales wise? if Nintendo came out with a big Mario game, then turned around and came out with ANOTHER big Mario game on the NX soon afterwards, what would you all think? What? REHASH? Nintendo milking Mario again? Blah Blah Blah.
This is ridiculous. You are implying there is a design to this utter calamity. I tell you what your argument boils down to. We're not going to support the current customers because there wasn't enough of them, so we will abandon our console mid way through. That's okay is it? Why do you think no one is going to buy the next one? Because Nintendo does shit like this.
Nintendo fans buy the consoles at this stage for a few big franchises. Anything else you get is a bonus, but there are a few you can bank on. Kart, Mario3D, Smash Metroid. It shouldn't be this way, but it is.
Zelda is one of them. You have waited so long for it at this point it's doubted it will show, and will probably end up out after the console has been abandoned as nothing more than a show of good faith. It will be an afterthought like Twilight Princess was on GC. But GC got it's own Zelda. Metroid, you're not even getting.
Think about this for a second. One of the games people are suggesting would save the show is Fatal Frame. Fatal Frame!
Fatal Frame is a niche game. It's tiny. It doesn't appeal to that many, and whilst well made (I played the one on ps2) Fatal Frame is not a game you list to save a console. It's not a megaton. It's not a cherry bomb. If it's on a well supported console, it's released mid week with no fanfare and goes about it's business quietly. It's only getting hype now because there is literally nothing else. It's like "yeah there are games coming out. Fatal Frame is coming out! The one with the camera ghosts! And we're getting that crap Megaman remake!"
Your list is tiny and essentially covers the system from now until it's death. A list that size is one average month on a console doing well. There is only zelda that is a heavy hitter with mass appeal, and like I've said, it's an afterthought at this point. Not showing it at E3 means, they have a long way to go. What do you have until then?
Essentially you are blinkered, and making excuses for Nintendo instead of actually seeing the big picture. Why should Nintendo support the wii u when the NX is coming out? Really? Because they aren't even ready to show anything about the NX until next year, which means it will be at least a few years before it comes out. They have customers they owe. They have a profile to maintain.
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