Nintendo 64
Eternal Darkness N64 (pushed to Gamecube)
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem | Average Rating: 90%
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes | Average Rating: 85%
Too Human (pushed to Xbox 360)
Xbox 360
Too Human | Average Rating: 69% (worst game)
Nintendo 64
Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine | Average Rating: 71%
Star Wars: Battle for Naboo | Average Rating: 82%
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron | Average Rating: 85%
Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader | Average Rating: 90%
Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike | Average Rating: 77%
PlayStation 3
Lair | Average Rating: 56% (worst game)
Formerly RARE
Second Sight | Average Rating: 81% on Gamecube, below 80% for other consoles. link
TimeSplitters 2 | Average Rating: 90%
TimeSplitters: Future Perfect | Average Rating: 85%
PlayStation 3
Haze | Average Rating: 57% (worst game)
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As you can see, all 3 developers have worked very closely with Nintendo in the past. Silicon Knights and Factor 5 were once 2nd party developers, and when Free Radical was with Rare, they too were second party. If Nintendo is smart, they will collect the goods while these development teams are down and reap the future rewards.
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