Before I get completely flamed to death I wanna say something. I'm a shemming but I've supported Nintendo my whole life, I began gaming with them and will end gaming if they stop making games.
But really, let's face it, things have changed so much since the SNES Era, this was when Sega and Nintendo were bringing out games that weren't all too different from eachother, hell I remember playing Power Rangers on my friend's Sega and then popping in Megaman X on my SNES almost everyday, but since the PS1 era gaming has changed. A new market was reached and they were the "casuals" of that gen because they're idea was different than ours. Now they are the majority and consider themselves the "hardcore" and see our games with cartoon graphics and write them off as "casual" or "kiddy".
Everyone's entitled to their preference but if our preference is the minority, who's going to be flamed and bashed more? Notice this, a sheep makes a sales thread boasting Wii/DS's sales, instead of getting a normal discussion he gets a bash fest of, "Teh wii win's in teh salllllesss" or "I can't play sales" when last gen the Sony PS2 was considered the "winner" because it had the most sales. People may say to that, "but it also had the best games" but what did the cows boast more? Their 120 million+ userbase, or their amazing lineup. Also, if a lemming makes a thread about the 360 outselling the PS3 for the month and boasts about it, you get a normal discussion, maybe some bashing but for the most part good and sensible rebuttles.
How about games? Sheep show off Brawl, Galaxy, MP3, and other 1st party + 3rd party titles, that are amazing games. What does a sheep get in responses though? "Teh kiddyyyy" and in Brawl specificaly, "Button mashurrrrr" Have they played their prequals? Probably not, but based on the fact that it doesn't involve "jacking" cars, it's not going to get a good response. Now, look at when a lemming does this, showing off Halo 3, Mass Effect, and Bioshock, you get responses like, "GOTY instantly" and if someone goes to flame one of them and say they don't like it because blah blah blah, then they are flamed to DEATH.
This will probably be the most controversial statement in my thead but, GS is biased against sheep/Nintendo, in fact, a majority of the gaming population is biased against Nintendo, and why? Because the games they play are so much different, why? Because many sheep grew up with those franchises and stuck with them and basing their gaming careers on them.
Sheep, we will not win this war, it's inevitable because a lot of us in a sense game in a different world of gaming, where violence or maturity level does not make the game better or more hardcore, but hell, let's enjoy them, even though we're not gonna win, system wars is here to debate the systems and enjoy some of the conversations and state your opinion.
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