@PinkieWinkie said:
@PurpleMan5000: Lmfao, you owned me with some Wii Fit games? Come on now kid.
Sony new IPs..TLoU, Uncharted, GOW, and Infamous. That's just off the top off my head.
Nintendo can't even hold Sony's jock.
Now let's try something else
Mario: constantly reinventing itself (Mario World to Mario 64 to Sunshine to Galaxy to 3D World) and considered the best of its genre
Metroid: constantly reinventing itself (Super Metroid to Metroid Prime to Other M) many of its entries considered the best of its genre
Kirby's Epic Yarn: essentially a new IP that plays completely differently than every past game in the franchise, but just happens to feature kirby.
Kid Icarus Uprising: essentially a new IP that plays nothing like most games on the market, but just so happens to feature the world of Kid Icarus
Wario Ware: Essentially a new IP featuring a very unique take on mini game compilations that just so happens to feature Wario.
Uncharted: a mediocre TPS that doesn't do anything new, but features incredible presentation. Plays a lot like many games on the market, but just so happens to feature a new protagonist. Every iteration is essentially the same thing with a different story.
God of War: a mediocre Hack N Slash that can't compete with the likes of Ninja Gaiden and Devil May Cry, but features incredible presentation. Doesn't introduce anything new. Every iteration is almost literally the exact same thing in every way except for the setting and story.
Puppeteer: a mediocre platformer that can't compete with the likes of Mario, Donkey Kong, and Rayman and cares more about presentation than gameplay. Doesn't really introduce anything new.
Killzone and Resistance: a couple of run of the mill shooter franchises that pale in comparison to third party offerings and don't offer anything particularly new.
I feel like, in general, Sony is more creatively bankrupt than Nintendo. Nintendo has a lot of imagination and creativity put into the design of their games. They just happen to place their new mechanics and ideas under well known and existing IPs. Sony tends to make a lot of run of the mill games that come up short in comparison to 3rd party offerings on their own systems. They just happen to feature new characters and worlds.
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