[QUOTE="Silvereign"]A handheld is completey different from a system and it wasn't like the DS was great it was because the PSP basically sucked and had little support.
The PS3 has a ton of support comming its way and doesn't suffer from decade time taking load times.
The Wii having little third party support is a drastic reason and probably the most important. Secondly while it will just be reaching Xbox graphic level PS3 and 360 will be reaching levels far beyond Gears of War and games will have even more impressive features. It will be a gradual and slow demise of Wii's graphics to the comparison of PS3 and 360's graphics as the systems power difference will continue to grow father apart. Meaning casuals will have to look at what PS3 and 360 have to offer. Third two words. PSN and Live. Combined with third party multiplayer games PSN and Live will be the future of gamming. Fourth is the price cuts more so 360 then PS3. With all the systems cheaper people who bought Wii only because it was within their price range will also buy a 360 or a PS3. Lastly, the kiddie appeal. It didn't work last gen and won't work this gen so why is Nintendo being so ignorant and why won't they shake their image? All jokes aside its because of their tradition thats why. They will contine to put out first forbidden>Caviglia
Learn to use paragraphs, it makes picking apart your argument much easier. :wink:
Firstly to suggest the situation for Wii and DS is different is completely unfounded, the two are intrinsically linked by the same philosophy. In essence the Wii is but an extension of the DS, the Wii Remote an elaborate stylus.
The Wii is in the same position regarding its console counterparts as the DS is with the PSP. The 360 and PS3 mimic the philosophy of the PSP, more advanced specifications, multi-media features and so forth. Also the position of the DS graphically is similar to that of the Wii, noticeabely less advanced then its competitors. The DS and Wii prove that graphics have all but reached their zenith in terms of appeal, both consoles are a pre-emptive strike to a pending collapse of the tradition conventions of the gaming industry. I assure you, in the next 3 generations no developer will be espousing the ideals of graphical grunt.
The hardware is the same but the competition is completely different. Sony is a rookie when it came to handheld devices and their was little support on the PSP part. The feauteres of the PSP wasn't back efficiently. Now when it comes to Wii and Playstation 3 its switched. Wii has no third party support only first party , and PS3 has tons of third party support and backing their console's features. *cough* Blue ray. The Ds and PSP wasn't that graphically apart. The PS3 and Wii are have a drastic power difference. Drastic.
Also you refer the Wiis third-party support as lacking, once again I feign to see this notion playing out in the real world. The Wii is attracting support from all echelons, be it big hitters like EA who are thrusting resources at the Wii or smaller studies like Nibris who provide an alternative outlet of innovation. You also cite the online service as a point of import, let me ask how long did it take for the number of online DS users to reach say 10,000? I can hazard a guess that it was faster than X-Box Live. If the Wii follows the same user-friendly template for Wi-fi gaming then I am sure this will be reciprocated.
Ok. Give me 3 potential AAA third party title games that are comming out to the Wii 07. The last list was No More heroes, Resident Evil and SSX Blur. You keep referencing to the DS and fail to understand that the market is casual gamer dominated or we can at least agree that their are alot more hardcore gamers on consoles then handheld. I know 6 people who own a DS. 4 are my little cousins and 1 is my little sister's friend and one was a friend who returned his to save up money for a 360. Again unlike the PSP the PS3 has an extreme power advantage, more features and they are backed. The last time I checked sony isn't exactly a rookie when it comes to this type of market. The PSP killed itself. How do I know? Because I owned one and ended up returning it.
But then again I didn't like the DS much either.
Finally you see the broad audience (or 'kiddie' as you term it) of Nintendo a hindrance. I'm sure those millions playing Brain Training, Wii Sports or Nintendogs beg to differ. The family friendly virtues of Nintendo were in no way responsible for the lack-lustre sales of the Gamecube, on the contrary, Nintendo failed to differentiate their console from the competitors leaving us with a three horse race between three identical horses. It would not matter which had the most 'mature' games, it was the quantity of games that set the PS2 as the market leader.
GC failed because it couldn't shake its kiddie image and had way too little third party support. The only reason why Wii is selling is because of its price compared to other systems.
Wether Im wrong or your wrong. Thankyou for presenting an actual arguement. Believe it or not the most responses on this thread is your fail. PS3 sux!
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