[QUOTE="HarlockJC"][QUOTE="AzatiS"][QUOTE="HarlockJC"][QUOTE="AzatiS"] Same goes for ppl that claiming SMG GOTY - SMG GOTY omg omg !! So its goes the way around. And sheeps were the ones that claimed some time ago that SSBM will be GOTY. In the end how should i know if YOU HAVE 2 consoles or not ? When you praise nintendo like that and make fun/bash/troll against other consoles seems like you got only 1 and thats a wii.
Nintendo makes great games and SMG was GOTY.......So I am not sure were you are going with the sheep claiming SMG would be GOTY. Their many people who claim MGS4 or Starcraft 2 will be GOTY what different is it from people who claim SSBB will be GOTY. At least you know the SSBB is a 9.5 and their is no score yet for the other two.
Did I praise Nintendo or just state facts?
You said that you could say me other games that i wont play too. And thats 2 that worth the praise.2. SMG your GOTY ( not mine and other 24234of thousands that voted COD4 and Crysis and made them GOTY by votes but lets leave this aside). Your options are too low. The only thing you say is i got AAAE. The thing is you got less option than anyone on the market right now. If you want to race, lets do it WITH FACTS as you claiming. Ill post here 30 games that are out or will release soon , and do the same for Wii. Lets see whos got quality AND quantity over the other. Multi or not. Lets talk with facts then if thats what you want
I really don't feel like coming up with 30 games coming out on the Wii I will name some I am looking forward to if that makes you happy.
1. Mario Baseball
2. Wiifit
3. Disaster
4. Spore
5. Homestar Runner
6. Kirby
7. De Bloob
8. Bloom Blox
9. Sam & Max
10. BlastWork
11. Mario Kart
12. FFCC
13. FF Fables
14. We Love Golf
15. Samba De Amigo
There are more but these are the top 15 no order I want to play.
1) I didnt ask what you want to play or what do you prefer. I speak with facts ( as you did ) how many quality (AAA-AA) titles Wii got to choose.
2)I asked you to tell me which Wii games or how many are AAA-AA quality since you claiming you got many high quality games to choose from. I saw only..... 14!!!
3) Wii got 14 AAA-AA games on gamerankings not even 15.This is VERY BAD considering the sales and ... the hype of this system.How is possible PS3 ( the crap, the dead third, the last one ) be better on overall quality games? See it below with ....facts as you say..
Heres the dead last PS3 games that ARE OUT NOW ALL AAA-AA 27th April 08 list Gamerankings
Call of Duty 4
The elders scrolls : Oblivion
Rock band
Ratchet and Clank
Burnout Paradise
The orange Box
Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Virtua Fighter 5
Tom Clancy Ghost Recon
MLB 08
NHL 08
Unreal Tournament 3
Tom Clancy Rainbow Six Vegas
Condemend 2
Guitar Hero 3
Devil May Cry 4
NBA street
Fight Night Round 3
Fifa Soccer 08
Tom Clancy's Rainbow six vegas 2
Hot shot Golf
Tiger Woods PGA 07
Madden 08
GT5 prologue
NBA 2k7
Call of Duty 3
Assassin's Creed
The Darkness
Heavenly Sword
Virtua Tennis
So 36 games that are out as we speak are AAA-AA. 36 PS3 titles VS 14 Wii's.
Now lets see the PS3 list till the end of 08?? Because i feel to,here i go.
Metal gear solid 4 -- AAA-AA / AAA franschise ( Gamerankings )
White Knight -- AAA/AA
Grand Theft Auto -- AAA/AA ( AAA franschise (Gamerankings)
Metal Gear Solid Online -- AA
Resident Evil 5 -- AAA/AA
Tekken 6 -- AAA/AA
Prototype -- AAA/AA
Soul Calibur 4 -- AAA/AA
Haze -- AA
Killzone 2 -- AAA/AA
Little Big Planet -- AAA/AA
Fallout 3 -- AA
MotorStorm 2 -- AA
SOCOM:Confrontation -- AAA/AA
Project Origin -- AAA/AA
Afro Samurai -- AA
X - Blades -- AA
Tomb Raider Underworld -- AA
Valkyria Chronicles -- AAA/AA
Naruto: Ninja storm -- AAA/AA
I didnt mention also games like FF13 - FF13 versus or GT5 since i think theyll release into 09. There are far more games to list as AA but since im not 100% sure if their quality would be for AA at least, i didnt post them at all. Propably there will be more AA games than my list above.
Now these games ( with 2-3 less than AA probably ) i bet will be AAA-AA quality when hit the shelves. These are over 20 games. That makes the list over 53 AAA-AA games to choose for PS3. Now do you want me to continue into 09? If you still want me bring it. Im ready
Yet, only 15 percent of the games you listed there are exclusive to the PS3, while only 30 percent of the Wii's games aren't exclusive to the system.
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